We have been going, doing, seeing, being, swimming, dancing, bike riding crazies this summer! I have a post half started with some of our adventures, but for now let me just say, we’re happy to be home for a while! Bennet better get with the program, we’re a family that likes to road trip, and …
Tag Archives: road trip
Girls trip
Before I had Tuesday if I wanted to pack up and go somewhere it was no big deal to give Bj a kiss, throw my stuff in the car and road trip. Since I’ve had Tuesday that has happened, um, never. Not without lots of planning and packing and list checking. Well last week we …
February 1st is the new January 1st
So I was way, WAY too wrapped up in getting my new site launched, finishing up my branding, and going to Disneyland to worry about the start of a new year and all that comes with it on January 1st. Because of where Tuesday’s birthday falls (the 10th), I’m thinking this is going to be …