You know, I just love the Internet. My friend Kay asked me about the library card I have on this little accordion album that I am selling on eBay. It’s a refill card from this personal library kit. I absolutely love this company. It’s called Knock Knock and has just about the funniest coolest stuff every. There greeting cards are not, he he funny, they are roll on the floor and maybe pee your pants a little funny (check out there selection here). The card above is one of my favorites, I mean have a couple of those around, they are great for anything! You also must check out there report cards. I mean they even have those little banner things that usually say “happy birthday” (you know, the kind with all the letters strung together?). Only there’s say stuff like mad props. How sick is that? I know, I know. Okay, but the think of there’s that I am most famous for having are their slang flashcards. I used these as a funny ice breaker at the beginning of most practices when I was a coxswain last year. I got my coach to say stuff like bling. And if you know Charlie, that’s pretty funny. I did a little layout that commemorates all my talking, check it out:

Here is the peace card flipped over:

You can advance to cards like this that have three of the slang terms. I saved this one for the last crew event I was at.
Okay and I just have to add that today Maya had me do a fitness test. Ladies and Gentlemen, I did 10 (bent leg) push ups IN A ROW!! That’s a personal best, oh ya.
What a stud!!!
You go girl!
Love Mom
I was lucky enough to see an actual demo…and she not only can do 10 on the knees pushups, she can do a full on pushup after the 10 set. you’re my fitness hero alp.