Hi, it’s me again :)

Hey, my name is Amber and I like to blog intensively for a couple weeks then disappear for days at a time, how rude of me! We have been busy with lots of wonderful things and some not so wonderful things. Those not so wonderful things are called molars and Tuesday has at least three that I can feel, and more that look very close to erupting, it has my happy little muffin bursting into tears for no other reason than pain and that breaks my heart! I took all the advice, except for triangle toothbrushes, I can’t find those. But I did just order a few more teethers. I’m trying to get psyched up for our cross-country (mama and baby only) plane trip. We’re also rocking the amber teething necklace, frozen washcloths, teething tablets, lots of nursing, distraction, and eating soothing things. Anything else?
Lots of good things have been going on as well:
My sweetie turned 28 yesterday. Last weekend we went to his parents to celebrate (which was the longest car ride in history, poor Tuesday). As you can see I brought up my scrapbooking supplies, but I did stop long enough to sing happy birthday ๐Ÿ™‚ It was great to see my in-laws at home, as my mother in law has been in Florida caring for her parents for months (a trip that was supposed to last weeks). Tuesday was happy to get lots of Nana and Pops time in.
I was happy to get a little shopping in with Kathy. We went to a super sale at Old Navy and I got four, yes FOUR pairs of pants. I have been in this weird in between, two pounds from pre-pregnancy weight but my hips are all different now phase and it has been hard to find clothes. I would wear skirts everyday but I get so cold and long ones look crazy weird on this shorty. Anyway I totally scored there. And Bj got to get lots of bubble tea which made him exceedingly happy.
At home again I’ve been looking at the window at this:
(out the front)
back and more back:
It makes me so happy! The yard looks positively gigantic to me now with all the overgrown yuckiness gone (see the before here). I’m even making a category for my yard because I hope it is going to be a much bigger part of our lives. We decided to have all the grass and everything pulled so that we didn’t have to use chemicals to kill it and I’m so glad! Fresh start, yeah!
The other thing taking my time, besides daydreaming about summer days in the yard, is my Week in the Life project. Hmm maybe I should make a category for that too… Still not done, but I’m working on it.
Title page.
My “start” page. We had a crazy night that first night (early, early Monday morning) and I got the iphone notes app out so I could record it all. My ink is smudgy. I can never wait for it to dry and when I use the heat gun it gets crinkly. I must be doing something wrong. I’m such a bad stamper, my stamps are a wreck!
Most of my pages look like this with place holders for the stamping I did last night:
Days of the week.
Okay I am not going to be back until I have my swap post all ready to go. Sarah agreed to be co-captian with me and we are so excited. We are trying to decide what to cap it at, last time I had 19 I think, but I think it’s going to be even cooler this time, we have lots of good ideas so watch out for it!

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  1. I love your album! The slide holders (is that it?) are such a fun idea for getting lots of photos in. This is such a great project. I never want to do it, but I did enjoy doing a year long project with Shimelle of UKScrappers where you take a ton of photos on the 25th of every month and then created a mini album of a year of 25s. I wish I could finish it up, but I have no room to scrapbook right now.
    Happy birthday to your husband! What kind of cake did he get (oh I am all about the cake as usual).

  2. dude. it was BJ’s birthday?! happy birthday BJ!!!
    your book is looking awesome! i STILL haven’t printed pictures. must do so this weekend.
    and i’m very excited for the swap – should be super fun!
    poor tutu. darn teeth ๐Ÿ™
    give her a hug from me!

  3. Poor Tuesday!!! Oh I wish there was something you could do for her. Gosh imagine how bad that must hurt! Love that you made a birthday cake for BJ (best wife ever)! And I don’t even need to tell you how cool your day in the life project looks. Seriously awesome!! I would say I should do it too, but I can’t even pretend to be that creative or organized. It looks fantastic– like from a design magazine fantastic!! Oh and I am so excited for your yard!

  4. Yes, they are old slide holders (with a 2×2 opening). His mom got him a cheesecake. Maybe you should try digital? I never have, but people with space issues tend to like it.

  5. Okay while I am the best wife ever (hehehe, I wish), that cake was so not my idea. It was Bj’s mom’s doing, a thawed frozen cheesecake. And you are so silly you could totally do this project. Or even just do the picture part and frame a big collage, there is no right/wrong way!

  6. Playdough! Playdough is my secret weapon for Traveling With Children, although you may want to try it out with Tuesday before you fly just to make sure she’s interested in it at this young age. Billy loves it already, and he’s 16 months old — he plays with it for quite a while before eating it. All of my other children can’t get enough of the playdough either. It’s kept us happily busy for many a trans-atlantic plane trip.

  7. Dude I will take any suggestions! I am thinking about getting an old purse at goodwill with lots of pockets and filling it with things she’s never seen before to make her mind explode and keep her busy for a while. I’m hoping my “good idea” to take a red eye pans out and she sleeps on the way there. Let me know if you have any other tips!

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