Hotness and a vintage layout

At my birthday party a few of us were talking about the dorm I was in my sophomore year. It was a cool old dorm with huge bathrooms that had separate toilet/sink & locker/shower & bath rooms. In the main area of the bathroom, the sink & locker area my friend and I started a wall of hotness. I made a layout from some of the guys I kept:
Journaling “I do not think these really hot guys need much of an explanation, but I will humor my future generations, besides what if I have all boys? My sophomore year the girls in my hall decided to deck out our bathroom. Anyone could put up a new picture, bu tthe ones on the door required consensus. It constantly evolved and in June we all took home our favorites.”
I made this years ago but had to scan it in for you Erin and Carmen! Mmm door worthy guys. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the pictures of the bathroom. It reminds me of my friend Ceara’s bedroom in high school, though she had a bit more George Clooney in there ๐Ÿ™‚
In other scrap related news I decided to go through my stuff and make myself a kit. I have been oohing and ahhing over Studio Calico’s site for some time now, but I have too much stuff already so I though making a kit of my own things would be best. Here is what I came up with (with some editing from Sciarrino):
Some yummy goodies. I’ve already made five layouts with it, crazy! They are pretty simple, but I love them just the same. I’ll share a few tomorrow. For now I’ll leave you with one NOT made with the kit:
An older picture of Tutu napping with journaling about what it takes to get her down for the night. Sweet little baby.

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  1. Mmmm… nice layout! But is that Tom Hanks in the upper left hand corner?!? Hmm… I loved my wall that I made all through high school. I was so sad to see my parents take it all down when I left for college. I don’t think I even took a picture of it–I should have. It was pretty impressive, if I do say so myself (since it had all that George Clooney!!) ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Love the top photo… Now that you’ve been out of college a few years it would be fun to get current photos and see who’s taken care of themselves ;)!

  3. I am so glad you took a picture of the bathroom – memories! It’s pretty sweet that no cared we had that up. Awesome! And of course there is a picture of Mulder up!

  4. that is so funny! i love it. i love that you took photos and scrapped it – definitely something fun for your future generation to look at down the road. and i LOVE the kit you put together! can’t wait to see those layouts ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I was an RA in college…why didn’t I think of the hotties in the bathroom??!! So much fun!
    And such a GOOD idea to come up with a kit from stuff you already have in your stash! I will be doing this for myself really soon!!!
    Thanks for sharing your brilliant ideas!

  6. Ok, listen I had to have a cute guy in with the hot guys, and that picture of him is cute, you have to admit. Man, you don’t have a picture of your room? That was the ultimate!

  7. Love the idea of creating a kit with my own stash. That’s so awesome. I drool over SC every month too. . . Time to start drooling over that stash that’s taking over my dining room. Thanks, Amber!

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