Bennet’s First Page

I may not be as organized and prepared scrapbook wise as I was before Tuesday was born (I had a whole fill in the blank scrapbook ready to go), but I’m determined not to forget all the little moments happening now. I’m also determined to use some of my supplies. I’m trying hard not to fall into the trap I got into with Tuesday: middle of the night craft supply buying via my iPhone. I couldn’t craft since she didn’t sleep, so I bought tons of paper and fiber instead. Oops! I’m still crawling out from under all that goodness so I thought since Bennet lets me I should take advantage and make her a page.

It’s perfect, just what I wanted to say. A page to show just how excited we were to meet Bennet. I’ve been making more thank you cards, so I have a bunch of the waste paper (heart background) and knew I wanted to do a page about how full my heart was. I think that comes across here.

I used one of Ali’s words from Designer Digitals and cut it with my Silhouette. It took about three runs through the machine before I realized I should probably change blades. I used the new ratcheted kind and it was awesome (ohhh just saw the fabric blade, I have to get one of those!).
So how did Bennet let me get all this scraping in?

Oh hammock, how I love you! I would prefer these longer stretches of sleep be in the night. But I’m rolling with it for now.

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  1. 1.) i must need a new blade (again). there’s no way i could cut that title with my sil 2.) i’ve already told you but i’ll say it again, this page is perfect! 3.) SO glad miss bennet loves her hammock! best group gift ever ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Geezzzzz wish I had that hammock way back when! I sit in my hammock chair almost everynight! Nice group gift…you’re friends are awesome.

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