We did this super easy project on Valentine’s day. Crayons – wrappers + silicone mold + 10 minutes @ 250 degrees (give or take) = heart crayons! For the first round I had her keep colors similar, then let her go nuts once I realized they don’t blend too much. Old glitter crayons (from my …
Tag Archives: coloring
Color sort
Oh goodness do we have a lot to catch up on. Like how Tuesday says, “oh my goodness goodness.” Which is pretty much the cutest. Well almost as cute as her starting many sentences with, “actually…” and the way she says, “sure, sure” (only it comes out like shurre…). So basically I think she’s adorable. …
At the table
Tuesday is the slowest eater E.V.E.R. We spend hours at this table. So of course I sit her in the spot with the best light and get out my camera to fiddle around with it while she finishes up. Breakfast = “bbbbbeeee” cereal (signed, she can’t say that word yet). bbbbbeeee = cold cereal. Usually …