Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
Tag Archives: Disneyland
Disneyland… The scariest place on earth
Oh my goodness me. Well Disneyland was nothing like the easy, fun, relaxed vacation we had last year. Oh no. I think it was a whole combination of things, but mostly she’s just changed and now Disneyland seems huge, overwhelming and full of many dark, loud, scary things. Last year the colors, lights and people …
What can an (almost) two year old get out of Disneyland?
So we took Tuesday to Disneyland for her second birthday…. Yes, yes, we took an almost two year old to the “greatest place on earth.” Now I know right up front that not everyone is a huge Disney fan, that’s totally fine because honestly I’m not that into Disney myself. Tuesday doesn’t watch any TV …
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