Oh sweet, sweet Tuesday, my five year old! How quickly it happens, as they all say. And I’ve loved every minute! I celebrated her trips around the sun with pictures from five wonderful years, and had all this set up so she would see it when she woke up. She was not as surprised as …
Tag Archives: birthday
Celebrating One!
Oh sweet sweet Bennet! This was Bennet on her birthday, the best shot I could get (and you can tell I did a hack job to Photoshop out flip flops on the floor!). Since she doesn’t know when her birthday is we decided to do a low key dessert only party a few days later …
Car Party for a four year old (not “Cars”)
So Tuesday wanted a car party. A car party? Well she originally said she wanted her friends to bring over their tricycles and bikes, but I explained that would be hard to do in the winter. So we settled on smaller modes of transport, little cars! I didn’t really plan much until the week before …
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And here’s to four
Oh my sweet “baby girl” is four! I can’t quite believe it! She requested a green shirt with a green four, so of course mama had to deliver. I traced a hand drawn one of fabric so it was more like the “4” she is learning. A tiny bit of interfacing on the back of …
Disneyland… The scariest place on earth
Oh my goodness me. Well Disneyland was nothing like the easy, fun, relaxed vacation we had last year. Oh no. I think it was a whole combination of things, but mostly she’s just changed and now Disneyland seems huge, overwhelming and full of many dark, loud, scary things. Last year the colors, lights and people …
The Three Year Old.
I followed this link and asked Tuesday some questions on her birthday. Love the answers, I think I’m going to do as the blogger suggests and pre-make a mini for Tuesday’s questions up through 18 so it’s easy to pull out each year. I also want to video her answering the questions (some of which …