But if you say anything like, "oh you'll have the baby tonight," I'll be mean to you. I'm so annoyed with people checking in on me, like seriously annoyed. And I know they are just being kind, but um, if you know me well enough to call and check on me, chances are you'd know …
Category Archives: Art
The Quilt as Art
I had to return my library books today, and among them was a huge anthology of Gee’s Bend Quilts. Since the book is no longer in print I thought I would scan in some of my favorites and give you a little inspiration for whatever crafty thing you are doing today. I recommend learning more …
This and That
I’ve mostly been working Ribbon Jar, but I did sneak up to Seattle with Bj for a few nights. Carmen was in town for work so I couldn’t pass up the chance to see her "down south" hehehe. Anyway just wanted to catch you up on my projects: It’s just the way it is framed …
More Happiness, is it possible?
I so needed that last post. Some of my favorites from the comments: comfy pants, being barefoot at work, tivo, children, inspirations, stacks of books, lazy rains, babies, American citizenship… I loved the comments so. I had to do this, it was one of those working too late, thinking of too many negative things kind …
Elmer, the other journal
Yes, I have another journal. A journal in which I can tell absolutely everything to and rant about everything as well. I decided to start this my senior year of high school. I had bouts with insomnia and I tried everything to be able to sleep. My mom made me little curtains for around my …