Today was all about Jesus. Oh, and Chuck Norris. After our breakfast pie (yum, thanks mom, you are an amazing cook – even with no kitchen!) we went to a family storage unit so I could get some of my things and move them to my own storage unit. It was Brent, Taylor, Bj and …
Monthly Archives: April 2006
The Sweater…
Thanks Bj for taking the pictures of me!
You choose birthday
Bj’s birthday is coming up and I was going to be watching Nick and Lacey during that time, but their parent’s trip got changed to the week after so I thought I’d surprise Bj today by making him a little pre-birthday thing letting him know we would get to spend the weekend together. This is …
Did you get it?
I sent out a newsletter today, with this yumminess. It’s the April jar I was talking about before, the one with the elephant ribbon in it. I also have 11 10 other special collection jars up, but those go fast, so get them while you can! Signing up for my newsletter is easy. Just go …
My “cycle”
This isn’t a new thought or anything, I think about my cycle a lot. My craft cycle that is. I talked to Sue today and she mentioned I’d been knitting a lot, and I have. See I go through these cycles, I think I have all my life. Maybe my mom will remember my first …
Of course, that was before 9-1-1
Ah food, friends, and family. It’s been helping my "issue" still haven’t been able to have diet coke or candy with much success (I have been trying). Who ever said the cut out the sugar thing, that seams to be helping, though I think it is effecting me psychologically. I brushed my teeth about six …
Free Association Wednesday
dough What just popped into you head? Tell me please, it’s so interesting. Just leave a little note, right down there, where it says comments, and see what other people have to say! …
The Search Continues
I love how the old ones get colored. I have some that are so so pink. I’m saving them for the pink jar. For a close up of "the cutest jar ever" see my picture of the day. In other news I have a medical problem. Apparently WebMD does not consider "ass tasting mouth" to …
Mason Dixon Knitting
You may have noticed that I added a "blogs I’m addicted to" list over on the side bar. One of my new finds is Mason Dixon Knitting, now it may not be new to my readers, but it is so cool. Two women, Kay and Ann, have a blog that they write to each other …
My Suspicions Were Correct
So anyone got a ball of Rowan Big Wool in shade 36 lot 50825? Cause I could use one right about NOW.