Goals for today: Two more hours of sleep Footprints into the baby book Pass the one week checkup with flying colors Lots more snuggles A picture with my girl Sharing Tuesday with visitors (yes we’re ready just call) A walk with my two favorite people Baby laundry (it’s so cute) A real blog post with …
Monthly Archives: January 2009
Tuesday Lee Garrison
We were completely taken with her the minute we saw her. Bj is so in love. Everyone loves her. Much more to come we're just in baby love la la land.
It’s a girl!
We're so excited to welcome our new little one! She was born at 1:04pm on January 10th into the water and papa's arms. She weighs 7 pounds 4 ounces, and is 20 inches long. Mama and baby are resting and doing great. We are getting to know our new daughter and will let you know …
Now that’s something to blog about
Oh how good do I feel today? Ahhhh so good. The guys still have to come in two more times: to grout (Monday) and then seal the tile (a couple of days later), but I am SO OVER THIS CONSTRUCTION THING. Hehehe. And I really needed to get this paper pulled up to preserve my …
Because everything is cuter tiny
I didn't get a lot done today… well I got a few naps in, but besides that nothing really to show you. Except that I got some cuteness in the mail: I have no idea about baby shoe sizing, but I think these are maybe for a one-ish year old? I tried to pick a …
Baby and house goodness
Ah this is a relief: So much better, and exactly what I was thinking. I will have to buy two boxes of tile, but at least they are some of the cheapest tiles known to man. That's as high as they can go in one day because the tiles can only hold each other up …
I guess you’d call it nesting
But if you say anything like, "oh you'll have the baby tonight," I'll be mean to you. I'm so annoyed with people checking in on me, like seriously annoyed. And I know they are just being kind, but um, if you know me well enough to call and check on me, chances are you'd know …
Papa projects
Last night when Sciarrino and I were running errands I found some of the same very soft fabric that Bj had put in the inside of his Baby Hawk baby carrier. He loves this stuff called minkee, it's very soft and, I found out, super expensive. I've seen off brand stuff but Bj had this …
Two steps forward…
One step back. Today I was busy, well as busy as a pregnant person should get probably. We spent yesterday organizing, and re-arranging all of our rooms. I think I've mention that the front room will now be Bj's office/guest bedroom (well in the future). I managed to cram so many craft supplies in there …
Happy New Year!
No tax credit for us for 2008. 🙂 Happy New Year to you all!