And… begin!

Hello! Miss me? Because I certainly missed blogging. I have been so focused on this; my new site. Things like this are always more work than they look to be, at least I think so. I figured branding, new site, business cards, PDFs, care guides, contracts, piece of cake! Well the jokes on me. I’ve had Sciarrino and Bj both working overtime helping me get my site live and I’m so excited to say yay, it’s here! I have to know what you, my loyal readers, think. I have about a week to do some tweaking before a big giveaway I have planned.
Family photoshoot at the salem oregon waterfront
Since we last chatted Tuesday turned two! I still remember her birth like it was yesterday. And of course she still feels like a baby since SHE HARDLY EVER SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT!
family photoshoot at the salem oregon waterfront
These photos are from a chilly day a few weeks ago. We went to the waterfront in the afternoon to try to get a family picture (I have a goal this year of one per month). Total failure on that front as the puffy vest I was wearing did nothing except make me look super pregnant (with Christmas cookies).
family at salem oregon carousel
If you think Tuesday looks happy here (in the low light of the carousel) you should have seen her in Disneyland. Oh. My. Goodness. That girl loved it. Wants to talk/sign about it everyday. Of course she thinks we were in Hawaii since there were palm trees and she saw the ocean when we were landing. At the airport she ran up to a palm tree and exclaimed happily, “Hawaii!!!” I took minimal photos so I have to wait for relatives to send me their files to blog about it (hear that relatives?!?!). Oh yes, it was the big family adventure; ten of us.
So back to this new blog business. Let me tell you something. If you are contemplating starting a blog go get your own URL now. STAT! Bj laboriously downloaded and moved all my images and content from my Typepad blog because I was using a Typepad URL. I could not bare the thought of loosing almost six years of blogging and nearly had a breakdown when it looked like it might go that way. He totally came through for me. So why did I decide I needed a new site? Well it became clear to me pretty quickly that I did not want to keep up a photo blog and personal blog. So many photo blogs are so blah. I mean they are awesome at looking at beautiful photography but I miss the interaction with readers. I don’t have anything to hide about my personal life from my clients so I really don’t mind them coming to my mashup blog. I mean I go into their houses so come one, come see what’s up with me too, why not! Unfortunately Typepad didn’t have the functionality I needed to add pages and details that are necessary when people check out my services, so a move was necessary.
Take a look around and tell me really, honestly what you think. YOU are the ones I want to feel at home here. The menu at the top will help you get around. There is an about me page, details about my sessions, an easy way to contact me, a link to catagories and archives as well as my twitter, and a button to subscribe to the feed. You can also just put the URL into google reader if you like. I chose to do three posts on the home page so it would load a little quicker for all those wonderful mobile devices. Pictures can no longer be saved, but please if you would like one to use don’t hesitate to ask. With proper credit I will usually say yes. One thing I hope to change as soon as I can figure it out is the comments section. I loved threaded comments (so I could reply to a comment and the commenter would get email notification). That is not built into the WordPress Theme I got and I can’t figure out a way around it… yet. I will still respond to comments but you’ll have to come back to see what I’ve said. A bit lame I know. The footer (that grey box) houses my blogroll, what I’ve been reading (Amazon affiliate links), things I love (which I will continue to update), and a handy search feature.
This blog is not going to turn into a photography only blog. It’s going to be a mashup of everything I (and I hope you) love.
So, what do you think?

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  1. Super excited and proud of you babe! The conversion of 1,157 typepad posts, 9,000+ images, and this regular expression (^((http[s]?|ftp):\/)?\/?([^:\/\s]+)((\/\w+)*\/)([\w\-\.]+[^#?\s]+)(.*)?(#[\w\-]+)?$) did take some time…but it all looks SO good. Love ya!

  2. I must say I love your new site! I’m also excited and very proud of you… Awesome job! I can appreciate all your hard work in getting it put together, if I waited to get everything as perfect as you have here… I would never have made the announcement. You are amazing! I love your style of photography, you have a gift to capture what people feel.
    You’re sure to be quite successful in your new endeavor!

  3. This site looks awesome! Great work Amber, BJ and Sciarrino! The background is crisp and simple and really lets the photos shine. Good luck! Also you should put up your regular rates, so people see what a bargain they are getting while you are building your portfolio! You are awesome!

  4. Congratulation on your new adventure. The photo’s you share would make anyone want to sign up. High fives go out to your web team, they are awesome. Can wait to see more beautiful pictures. Love ya!

  5. Love the new blog. It’s very fresh and crisp. I wish you the best on your new endeavor.
    Tuesday looks so adorable and sweet. Happy to hear she enjoyed her second birthday at Disney. My little one will be two in March. My goodness how time flies.

  6. Can’t wait to follow along on your newest adventure!
    (And, happy birthday to Miss Tuesday.)

  7. WOW!WOW!WOW! I love it! It’s perfect and wonderful! Bravo to BJ, Sciarrino and you for making this site amazing. Congratulations with the new business, I’m so excited for you and your new adventure and know in my heart that this is what you were meant to do! Relish the excitement!

  8. How exciting! It looks great!
    While I love looking at pictures, I love that you’re still gonna do what you’ve been doing–a little bit of everything 🙂
    Congrats on the big change!!

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