Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
Tag Archives: oregon
And… begin!
Hello! Miss me? Because I certainly missed blogging. I have been so focused on this; my new site. Things like this are always more work than they look to be, at least I think so. I figured branding, new site, business cards, PDFs, care guides, contracts, piece of cake! Well the jokes on me. I’ve …
Reclaiming my artistic self
First off, wow! Those were some comments, they totally made my day. I’m not going to lie, when Julie said my house was really clean it was extra welcome as Bj had just pointed out that my stuff was EVERYWHERE. 🙂 I love that so many of you see me as creative, fun, green, and …
The next big adventure
So last weekend we took Tuesday to the pumpkin patch. We met up with a couple of friends: Karen’s lovely funny girls… and Karen, of course. This is as close as I got to all three toddlers together… FAIL! 🙂 Tuesday picked this pumpkin. Whenever we walk up to the house she does this little …
My freaky fall garden
This is a crazy weird fall. Lots of sun (say what?!?!). It’s caused my yard to be beautiful and amazing. I can’t believe how much of it is still green! The leaves are going to be dropping very late this year. My little munchkin and I still find lots to nibble on. My poor confused …
Picking in the Rain
This morning their was a break in the drizzle we’ve had for a few days and Tuesday and I worked out in the yard trimming, dead-heading, and weeding. Tuesday didn’t just stick by the tomato plants and eat them non stop like usual (though she did pick a couple of peppers). I think that is …
The Beach
We had a great weekend. Saturday we picked up Sarah and headed to the coast. Tuesday spots the big water (her sign for water is a finger by her mouth… she can’t quite make the “w” sign). For some reason the water was quite nasty, lots of foam, so she wasn’t able to play in …
Odd things on the road
Bj and I drove back from the Tri-Cities today in the afternoon. Instead of pouring rain we got… extreme wind!!! Yeah!!! And when you are in a desert environment that means tumbleweed, cool. We were driving into the sun for a while. Bj was fine with that though, after he found these: They used to …
Thunder and lightning (very, very frightning :)
No, I don’t think it’s very frightning, I was just reminded of the Queen song. Well we had a quick and loud storm here today. Lightning, thunder, and lots of hail. It was so cool. I really love storms. They remind me of being at camp, in the Arts and Crafts building on the shores …
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