And… begin!

Hello! Miss me? Because I certainly missed blogging. I have been so focused on this; my new site. Things like this are always more work than they look to be, at least I think so. I figured branding, new site, business cards, PDFs, care guides, contracts, piece of cake! Well the jokes on me. I’ve …

Reclaiming my artistic self

First off, wow! Those were some comments, they totally made my day. I’m not going to lie, when Julie said my house was really clean it was extra welcome as Bj had just pointed out that my stuff was EVERYWHERE. 🙂 I love that so many of you see me as creative, fun, green, and …

The next big adventure

So last weekend we took Tuesday to the pumpkin patch. We met up with a couple of friends: Karen’s lovely funny girls… and Karen, of course. This is as close as I got to all three toddlers together… FAIL! 🙂 Tuesday picked this pumpkin. Whenever we walk up to the house she does this little …

Odd things on the road

Bj and I drove back from the Tri-Cities today in the afternoon. Instead of pouring rain we got… extreme wind!!!  Yeah!!!  And when you are in a desert environment that means tumbleweed, cool. We were driving into the sun for a while. Bj was fine with that though, after he found these: They used to …