I love Saturdays

Especially last Saturday as our favorite people from Alaska were down to visit (and are still here, yay!). Tuesday got to see a sleeping Chloe when her mom and grandma stopped by to pick up a highchair and travel crib on their way in from the airport. This was so NOT COOL MAMA! She wanted to see the real live moving around and having fun Chloe who we talk to all the time on the computer (via a logitech application). When we told her Chloe would be at the Saturday market she was just busting. The market is the highlight of her week as it is so this just sent her into a super happy place. And when she caught site of Chloe?

She wouldn’t stop hugging and kissing her… until she knocked her over (whoops!). We got to walk around with Carmen, Chloe, and her grandparents for a while and got some yummy food. We ate in front of live music, because the market is in full swing now.

Dance party!!!!
After the exhausted girls went down for naps Carmen and I went with our moms to the spring version of Crafty Wonderland (I guess I failed to blog it, but my friends Kristen and Sciarrino both blogged about our fun time in December). This time I bought less and took more photos.

A lot of the vendors were the same, including this one: Muluk. I know many of you wanted to know where I got Tuesday’s red and white stripped hat in these photos, well it’s from here!

Carmen and I both had one thing we had to find: gifts for our moms (and yes, they were with us, so we had to be stealth). We zoned in on the jewelry right away. I loved all these earrings at Betsy and Iya (oh no, I thought I got her card, Carmen do you remember?). Carmen ended up with a fun pair from the half off rack. Check out this action shot.

She put them on right away, of course. I SO SO SO need to get my ears re-peirced! This was another great booth, again I’ll have to get the name from Carmen (she bought the necklace she’s holding from her mom). It’s Seaworthy

This one I do remember: Sarah Treslstad Jewelry Design. I got my mom the beautiful necklace she is wrapping up.

We saw lots more than jewelry though, like this booth with interesting yarn. She has spun stuff, but this was actually a combo of a lot of yarns tied together.

Row Boat Press was one of my favorites during the holiday show and they didn’t disappoint this time. I picked up a new print of theirs that says, “You’re my best friend” for Bj.

Another favorite booth of mine, Trusty Sidekick. I didn’t get anything this time, but Tuesday wore one of her capes and shirts for her second birthday at Disneyland. I mentioned that her etsy shop didn’t have a lot of colors to choose from, she told me that she is happy to take custom orders, so check it out!

I did end up getting Tuesday two things. Felt pancakes from Pickle Things. My pancake loving daughter thought they were the coolest. I also picked up five stained glass pendants for the play space downstairs. Megan from Ta-Dah let me pick out any five pendants and then strung them together for me. I love them so much (ok maybe this was a little bit for me too)!

I didn’t get anything just for me, though I was tempted by these beautiful repurposed vintage wears from Glam Garb. She dyes, refurbishes, and embellishes vintage delicates. I wanted one of those petticoats bad. I just have to figure out how I could pull off the look…
I know this is craft fair season just about everywhere, so look up to see if you have one nearby. I recommend it for custom and unique gifts, decor, jewelry, toys, and fashion. Support local artists and buy local and handmade, it’s great all around!

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  1. Oh my god I can’t believe I missed it AGAIN! You have to let me know when the next one is. It looks like my mecca! 🙂

  2. tuesday + chloe are so cute together 🙂 please remind me when the winter crafty wonderland is – i must go! looks like so much fun!
    also, i bet if you look at your original photo and zoom in a bit, you can find the name of that betsy and (blank) shop off the sign about trying on the jewelry.

  3. thanks for the link on the hats! I had planned to go to Crafty Wonderland but didn’t end up making it this time, so this is much appreciated!!

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