Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
Tag Archives: weather
Out of town (well country actually) guests plus winter weather plus a holiday equals sporadic postings. Like this one, via my phone. I won’t be back to regular postings until mid December, but I will pop in here and there. Enjoy this late fall. Peace, Amber
Picking in the Rain
This morning their was a break in the drizzle we’ve had for a few days and Tuesday and I worked out in the yard trimming, dead-heading, and weeding. Tuesday didn’t just stick by the tomato plants and eat them non stop like usual (though she did pick a couple of peppers). I think that is …
Thunder and lightning (very, very frightning :)
No, I don’t think it’s very frightning, I was just reminded of the Queen song. Well we had a quick and loud storm here today. Lightning, thunder, and lots of hail. It was so cool. I really love storms. They remind me of being at camp, in the Arts and Crafts building on the shores …
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