A day in the life of a homeschooling mama

I found this post very interesting by a child-led homeschooling mama. I just love her blog and she has lots of wonderful ideas, but I was struck by how little time she had for herself during the day (or at least the day she featured), basically none. This is my biggest worry about homeschooling. That …

Project 333 and a happiness update

Remember my happiness project? Well I’m happy to say I’ve been sticking with it! I decided to just lump all our happy moments together (vs. one special pic for each of us). Enjoying the moment and not having to worry about capturing every detail is a lot easier. It’s been about 75 days, here are …

No spend April, being happy, and joining in.

Just a heads up, incase you are at all inclined to join, we are doing another no spend month. We did no spend September and I can say with certainty that it was THE BEST month for our family ever.   (fun and free!) I got the idea from the NW Edible Life blog. We …

Non toxic cleaner to make with your kids

Tuesday had a blast making a bunch of non toxic all purpose cleaner a few days ago. I think getting to use SHARPIE (!!!) on the labels might have been her favorite part. I swear I shared this at some point on this blog, but searching comes up with zero. And I was asked for …