Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
Category Archives: Family Life
She says
All the time to Bennet: “Ha! Good one Bennie!” Her: “What’s that sound?” Me: “It’s the music.” Her: “Oh that’s cool. It sounds like a kid screaming.” “Be quiet upstairs and downstairs because my baby is asleep below the sewing machine table.” To her African American friend: “Your hair is so …
This Moment
Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
Celebrating Five
Last year Tuesday had a car themed party. And she told me then what the next few parties were going to be, she had it all planned out. I did not expect her to remember or still want the train themed party that was next in the line up twelve months ago because it has …
At Five
Oh sweet, sweet Tuesday, my five year old! How quickly it happens, as they all say. And I’ve loved every minute! I celebrated her trips around the sun with pictures from five wonderful years, and had all this set up so she would see it when she woke up. She was not as surprised as …
Ah resolutions. I don’t always make them, and I don’t always follow through when I do. But I’m feeling particularly enthusiastic about this coming year. By the end of the year I won’t have any kids in diapers and they’ll both be sleeping through the night (a girl can dream)… the world is my oyster! …
Year in Review
I really feel the need to do a year in a review, since it was probably my slowest blog year in the last 8 (almost 9!) that I’ve been blogging. January Celebrated Tuesday’s forth birthday with a car themed party. Oh how they’ve grown! I loved the way we set up the dining room on …
The girls room
Please excuse the cell phone pics… as you can imagine it only looked this pristine for a short while and I didn’t snag any better pictures with my big dslr. We finished! We used this plan from Ana White, only slightly modified to remove a step and add a ladder rung so it would fit …
And a Merry Christmas to all.
We did it! And they loved it. More pictures later. The holidays continue for us with another celebration this weekend… and then I need to start thinking about Tuesday’s fifth birthday! Hope this time of year finds you with family and friends! Much love from the Garrison’s!
1:51 AM, as good a time as any
I found this photo of Bennie on my phone. She took it of herself while Bj was holding her. I was reading Big Susan to Tuesday. Bennet has a been up for hours. Luckily this the first time in a week that Bj has been able to help in the middle of the night. He’s …