“Mom, she likes it!”
Category Archives: Tuesday Lee
I have to realize these things are never going to have their own posts. So here we go… 1. new swimsuit for Tuesday. My mother in law scored this fabric at the fashion district in L.A. And I should have had her get me boatloads more, because it is so awesome! 2. I’m selling our …
Favorite drawing yet
Tuesday (age four) has never been that into drawing people. She’s a note girl. So I pretty much am in love with this. “Girl with backpack”
Rag Curls
Tuesday has been into hair dressing lately. The librarians remembered her because her request for a “book about how they really do things at the hair dressers” is a bit of a unique request. She had to make it a few times because the first book we took home was, “not real enough”. We brought …
Trying to take a passport photo
I’m blogging with minimal words this February. I’d love to see snippets of your life in photos too, please leave me a link in the comments.
Math with conversation hearts
I’m blogging with minimal words this February. I’d love to see snippets of your life in photos too, please leave me a link in the comments.
Car Party for a four year old (not “Cars”)
So Tuesday wanted a car party. A car party? Well she originally said she wanted her friends to bring over their tricycles and bikes, but I explained that would be hard to do in the winter. So we settled on smaller modes of transport, little cars! I didn’t really plan much until the week before …
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And here’s to four
Oh my sweet “baby girl” is four! I can’t quite believe it! She requested a green shirt with a green four, so of course mama had to deliver. I traced a hand drawn one of fabric so it was more like the “4” she is learning. A tiny bit of interfacing on the back of …
This Moment
Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
The Artist as a young child
Oh my goodness. It’s been a while since I’ve taken a look at the photos on Tuesday’s camera. Today I downloaded them and they were cracking me up. First of all, dozens of pictures of her bookshelf. Maybe because it’s convenient from her bed? There are pictures of us sleeping that we don’t recall her …