Oh sweet sweet Bennet! This was Bennet on her birthday, the best shot I could get (and you can tell I did a hack job to Photoshop out flip flops on the floor!). Since she doesn’t know when her birthday is we decided to do a low key dessert only party a few days later …
Tag Archives: birthday party
Car Party for a four year old (not “Cars”)
So Tuesday wanted a car party. A car party? Well she originally said she wanted her friends to bring over their tricycles and bikes, but I explained that would be hard to do in the winter. So we settled on smaller modes of transport, little cars! I didn’t really plan much until the week before …
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The first party.
If you can believe it this little lady is almost one! It certainly seems the last year has gone by in a blink. I’ll never forget having two crazy toddlers playing at 4:30 in the morning at my house! Ha! Of course I had to volunteer my services to help celebrate since I never pass …
cut it out, gift it up
Our favorite twins turned two this week and we celebrated in style. I wanted to do something fun for their presents and decided to go with matching (well coordinating) tee shirts. Carmen’s husband came up with the idea to flip flop the colors for each twin and they came out great. The cow thing isn’t …