The last month seemed the longest and quickest at the same time. So much to do, so many fun things, so many people to see. Even though it was a nice long month, I still can’t quite believe that she is five months already! I really remember this time last year, the uncertainty, not telling anyone I was pregnant. The surprise Christmas present for the grandparents. And now here she is, five months old! What a year.
Not a lot of pictures this month. I took them on the 21st as it is. She was a bit fussy…
Miss Teething Pants.
And then I forgot to keep wiping her eye (I do it all day long, her tear duct is blocked), so it was goopy eye. Not a huge difference from last month. I doubt she’s gained much weight, I think she’s at just about 12 pounds. We continue to have issues with her digestion/food/nursing/who knows what. I thought our problems were solved and have been so diligent in avoiding any and all diary/soy (I miss you cookies). I did have a little slip up, who would have thought dairy was in wasabi paste? Not me! I’m not sure what else is going on or if I’ll have to cut out more from my diet. It seems like half guessing game to me, which I don’t like. It only occasionally seems to bother her, but I find the blood in the stool to be disconcerting none the less.
In better news she is so happy! What makes her so happy? Why big sister Tuesday of course. You’d think Tuesday was a unicorn riding on a rainbow the way Bennet tracks her around the room and squeals with glee when she comes near. Tuesday is taking her “making Bennie happy” job very seriously and is always ready to give Bennet a kiss, make a little dance for her, or giggle with her. A-FREAKING-DORABLE. I can’t believe I get to watch these two grow up together, they are so awesome.
I have some serious back log of ideas/fun show and tells/updates, will get to them when I can. One more little post at least before Christmas if you need a fun last minute gift for your kiddos to make!
4 months, 3 months, 2 months, 1 month.
5 months already!? Wow! I agree that how fast/slow the last year as gone. For us, quicker has won out over slower. She is such a cute girl. I hope that you can get the food things tweaked so she’s doing well AND you’re managing things.
Wow! These five months have gone by so quickly. Bennet is such a happy, beautiful baby girl! It sounds like Tuesday is an AWESOME big sister! I bet they are so sweet together. I hope her tummy/digestion troubles improve and she feels better soon!
she’s so sweet. love her bright blue eyes.
Wow! She is adorable! And looking more and more like you!!! I always thought Tuesday was your twin, but it looks like Bennet is winning that race in the gene pool. Keep the pictures coming!