The Girls

Ladies we have lift off. Men you will never understand. Today I got up early (I set the alarm clock!!!!) and drove to Salem to meet my mom. We rode to Portland together and met up with my grandma at Nordy’s in Portland. She didn’t hear us creeping up on her in the makeup section so I got to run up and give her a little pinch, hehe. After telling each other that we look really cute and trying on some lotion we headed over to shoes (detouring through handbags we wanted but resisted). Man oh man, God was on our side. I got these awesome patent leather white pump slip ons with rows of circles on the band around the lower foot (good description? I couldn’t find them online to show you!). My mom got them in a suede turquoise (thanks for the misspeller’s dictionary Bill!) and they are hot! I also got a pair of deep cherry red kenneth cole flats, kind of mary jane style but with a pointy toe. My mom scored big time two other pair, and my grandma got cute red pumps. Did I mention we got all this on the SALE RACK!!! Yes we did. I learned something about Grandma today: she does not like tennis shoes, hmmm. So while we were trying on shoes the sales lady asked me if I was with those two (mom and grandma) I said yes, they were my mom and grandma, and she said, “You are the youngest looking generational group I’ve ever seen.” Nice complement thanks!
Okay we headed up to petites and “intimates.” This is where I had my revilation. {back story} I hate to shop for bras. I find one that I think fits and buy two and call it good for a while. It was time for an intervention. I had been measured for a bra when I was like 13 and got my first one (that my mom couldn’t help but hide in her pocket and bring it out at my grandma’s exclaiming how cute it was), but not since. So after a little maternal urging I asked for help. MY GIRLS HAVE BEEN SUFFOCATING!!! I was like a size and a half off. Geez. Apparently what I thought was a little pudge was actually part of my boob, whoops. So now I’m good to go. The amazing sales lady (she had a kind of exotic name, but I can’t think of it, maybe Sapphire?) also ran over to B.P. and found me some cute camis, so I stocked up. I upgraded my nightgown as well to a little capsleeve shorter style. It is made of terry cloth and looks like a tennis dress. So cute. When I showed it to Bj and told him I was retiring this other one I had (that had accidentally been left in a KOA bathroom in South Dakoda on our trip, subsiquently bleach and returned by mail) he was so happy (hey if you didn’t like it why didn’t you say something!!). 🙂
Enough with that. We left to go eat after Grandma found the cutest pair of pants in Petites, that department is really starting to come around (good thing since I’m the tallest of our bunch at 5’3″ and I think Grandma’s only 4’11”). We went to Henry’s in the Pearl and it was so yummy. We all had half a meal, their portions were huge! I had so much fun talking at lunch. I found out a little bit about Grandma as a girl living in backwoods Virgina. When she moved west at seven she had never seen a resurant or indoor toliet! Grandma told me about her scariest moment as a mother, when my mom fell out of the car when she was very little and Grandma was driving 45 mph. Grandma said she felt like she was floating above her body when she lept out of the car to go run and find her (she had rolled into a kind of sewer ditch). She also said my mom fell out of her highchair onto her head once. My mom then goes, “and look at me now,” LOL!! I love my mom and grandma they are so cool.
We headed out to Anthropologie, which Grandma had never been to. It was crazy! The first day of a four day sale. I got a super cute white skirt and some green pants (Bj, “Great, more green pants”). They’ll have to be hemmed, but a score since both were already on sale and marked down an additional 25%. Our last stop was Peet’s for coffee (mom) and tea (Grandma and me). And if you make tea for Grandma make sure you only leave the bag in for as long as it takes to sneeze because apparently she likes her tea extremely weak. Then I took these pictures, they didn’t work quite so well, but you get the idea.

We took Grandma back home since she rode the Max in. I practically plowed over my uncle Robert trying to get to the bathroom at her place after three cups of tea. He has the coolest color hair now, that salt and peppery grey you know? Anyway Grandma is known to be one of the best decorators/incredible deal finders in the world. And that combination is quite cool (why didn’t I take a picture, ugh). She built this little koi pond in the back under a deck, so it looks like it goes all the deck, cool. She found some cool stuff at thrift stores, and man does she get lucky. She got this little side table that was all dinged up. When she sanded it down she found that it was made of a couple kinds of wood, inlaid and everything. It looks so amazing refinished. And how many people do you know that have an old library table as their dining room table? Grandma does (“oh sis that only cost $85” how does she do it!).
My mom and I stopped to visit my Grandpa’s mom, my great grandma Frank, on the way out of town. She was happy to see me since we keep missing each other at family events. Then someone commented that I was cute (she was sitting at her little table getting ready for dinner with two other cute little old ladies). So I asked them how old they thought I was and one said 15, the other one gives her this look and then says, “I say 16.” I told them I was 24, then g. grandma goes, “Oh honey, no one thinks I’m 92 either.” I love her! I think I am really lucky to have such a great family. I went home and my mom and I made Bill look at our shoes. I hope he doesn’t feel too left out, we would take him, but guys and girls shoes don’t get along. case and point: I had to laugh at a woman with her husband in the shoe department. She was looking at slides and he said, “but I don’t understand, you have a pair of slipons already, are they broken, do we need to take them back?” She’s all, “No these are different.” Men.

Thunder and lightning (very, very frightning :)

No, I don’t think it’s very frightning, I was just reminded of the Queen song. Well we had a quick and loud storm here today. Lightning, thunder, and lots of hail. It was so cool. I really love storms. They remind me of being at camp, in the Arts and Crafts building on the shores of Crystal Lake in Maine. You can see the storms coming across the lake and it is amazing. All I saw here was a flash, it looked like a camera, then claps of thunder, over and over. Then it started to hail, big time, it was so cool. Just a short little entry today since I didn’t do much that exciting today, but it was a nice day. I go shopping with my mom and grandma tomorrow, can’t wait!

The Skittles Crew

Ah the skittles crew. I’ve been thinking about crew since Kush asked me to come cox yesterday. I didn’t because I had a million things to get done (hence the no posting), but I had crew on the brain. I decided to get out some pictures from last year and do a fun layout. I’ve been doing so much for eBay that I haven’t done much for me. Now that all the Honorable Mention calls have gone out for Hall of Fame, and I didn’t get one, I feel a kind of presure lifted off me. I don’t have to worry about how anyone thinks about how I scrapbook because I’m just me. Well, I don’t know if that made much sense, but I’m some how at ease about the whole thing. I also did do an album for eBay. I really like making things and not having to worry about what is going to go in there. I won’t be posting it tonight though, Bj always does that for me. I kind of wish I knew how to do all of that kind of stuff myself. Bj had to help me use his majorly confusing printer, our internet connection, posting things, html, you get the picture. Well that’s what happens when you know how to do all of those things, everyone wants you to help them. 🙂
So I just got the coolest pictures out my window, the sky is going from an amazing pink/fushia to a deep purple. I only managed to get two before the batteries ran out, enjoy!

The convention with a new Digital!

Woah, that’s a lot of scrapbooking stuff!  The Oregon Scrapbook Convention was crazy!  I, of course, got way too many awesome things (but they were all so awesome I had too). Bj was a total sweetie and drove my new digital camera to Albany so that Angela could bring it to me. I got some great pictures of everyone at the convention which I will post below. I had the most fun hanging out with Beachwood. Her mom was just way too cool, I will post the great recipe she gave me for these yummy orange cranberry muffins after I make my own batch so I can take some pictures. I am still really tired after the set up, work on your feet for two days, and take down. But I feel so much better after snuggling in my bed at my mom’s house last night. I tried not to bug her too much since she is in crazy workaholic mode trying to finish everything for finals next week (man, it’s a good thing she’s not a procrastinator like me, or she would never finish)! I was going to hang out with Brent and Bj at my dad’s but they were watching “guy” movies and playing “guy” video games before their round of golf today (one of five planned for their spring break extravaganza). The week didn’t get off to a great start for them, playing in the rain behind the slowest foursome in history (slower than the six man team ahead of them!). I drove home this morning in “the rig.” I always feel happy driving it, it just makes me think of the summer and our road trip. Relaxed most of the day and worked on layouts.  I’ll have a lot of new stuff up on eBay soon. That’s pretty much it for now, I’ll post the pics.

Beachwood and Mrs. Beachwood, so cute!

The first picture of me with my new camera, working the booth!

Sue and Angela

and Denise!

Set it up

Hello all from Beachwood’s abode. I love this place and I never want to leave (well I guess I will as long as I can take some of the homemade goodies with me)! I woke up early this morning to get ready to go to Albany and meet Jen and Angela to drive to Portland. I spent the day setting up our booth at the Oregon Scrapbook Convention.  Ew, if you don’t know, scrapbooking supplies can get really dirty when they move from city to city (well the packaging anyway).  So I’m pretty beat, but just wanted to let you all know where I was. Bj was a prince and drove my new digital camera to Albany today so that Angela could bring it to me tomorrow, so look forwards to some great pictures!

Elmer, the other journal

Yes, I have another journal. A journal in which I can tell absolutely everything to and rant about everything as well. I decided to start this my senior year of high school. I had bouts with insomnia and I tried everything to be able to sleep. My mom made me little curtains for around my bed, I got my wizard fan (it’s on a new motor but I still sleep with that thing every night!), I avoided doing anything in my bed but sleep, and I was still having issues. The journal helped me so much. It really helped my clear my head. I use the same blank paged sketch book for everyone (I think I’m up to nine or ten), but I can’t find that kind right now, so it touch and go since I only have like twenty pages left on my old one. Anyway, I recently braved my little secret nook at my mom’s house and managed to find six of them (I don’t know where I stashed away the first ones- oops!). I started reading old entries and they are really funny. Like page after page after page of dreaming about boys and if one was ever going to ask me out. Little did I know it would be three years before one woud. Man when Bj asked me out I started to go nuts in my journal: “I’m in an extream state of happieness, one previously never reached.” Hehehe, there are other funny stories about other things, I’ll have to dig some more things up later. So I think this blog is just a place where I can keep track of everyday things, things I see (and you will see more of that when my new digital comes!!), and funny links, like this. So with that, peace out. Oh, and it’s raining here and it sounds so cool on the skylight!

Lemon Heads, Tiger Tails, and Boston Baked Beans

So I felt a lot better this morning, and after working out with my personal trainer Mya for 45 minuets I started to get some of my hyperness back. I was only up to hitting refresh about 20 times on the pub board on two peas when Bj called me and invited me to come to the Tuesday’s lunch bonanza at IRW (well okay we just had pizza, but it was good). I got a lot of good “singing” done on the way there. I put that in quotations because when I am in the car alone, I don’t so much sing as yell. And a great song to yell to in the car is Wilson Phillip’s Hold On, wouldn’t you agree? I know Brent would because he gave me the song!!! (but it’s not his fault he works in a sorority and is surrounded by girls all day, so of course it rubbed off and he thinks it’s more funny while I would call it more soulful). Ahh, yup, just had to play it one more time while I finish writing.
Okay so last night Bj and I were watching The Screen Savers on G4 Tv as we do just about every night (they’ll have to get their own post later they are so cool). There was a group called Hard n’ Firm on (and their name is not what you might think, it is actually just abbr. of their last names). They performed a song called American Dinosaur (you can here it by going here and clicking on the song title). They had these graphics going on in the background, and when they got to the line I am going to type out next Bj and I lost it: “I guess Noah had a reason for keepin you off the ark, cause he knew you’d burrow in the earth and fuel American cars. And I thnk about your scarafice as I power up my rig.” Okay now that is funny, but then picture this: the graphic in the background was a dino with a suitcase standing under a rain cloud looking as Noah took off with all the other animals. LOLOLOLOL!!!!! So of course we had to grab the TiVo remot and listen to that part at least five more times. Oh and I have to interject here to say yeah to Angela for getting a TiVo (finally!!) you are going to love it Ang!
So that was last night, but then a funny thing happend to me on the way back from Albany. I was driving and yelling and I was singing so much my lips were getting dry so I reached into my bag to grab my awesome kiss me lip gloss. I opened the top and squeezed the tube to get it on my lips and got a mouthful of this instead. I had gotten a little sample of this stuff and the tubes were about the same size. Well you don’t need to squeeze the lotion hard to get any out so when I did that I got lotion all in my mouth AND ALL OVER MY FACE!!! And let me tell you this stuff may be moisturizing, but it sure tastes like shit. And I can’t get the taste out of my mouth despite all my best efforts. It’s like this episode of the X-Files. You know, the one where the sewer worker gets bit by the half man, half tape worm thing and has that horrible taste in his mouth that he can’t get rid of, and then he’s in the shower and he barfs up a baby fluke worm and dies. God, I hope THAT doesn’t happen to me. It’s like, “How did she die?” (almost as bad as a tire in the face, right Sciarrino?).
Whoa, so I am a little all over the place, but back to IRW. That is why the title of the post. Denise’s wonderful guy Ben went and got us candy and those were are choices. Guess which one was mine? Pictures are all from the H.O. See Josh, you made the blog!!! I am going to get everyone else later this weekend at the expo (Kari wouldn’t let me because she said she was wearing too much denim, and Amy didn’t like her hair – though I think she should have let me, her Simpson shirt rocked!). Well still no call here, but I’m feeling much better after looking at my entry again and realizing I still like, so that made me feel good. Oh and also that fact that Angela and my mom are having a bidding war over this album I posted on eBay. My mom called me just as I was leaving IRW and said, “someone out bid me again on that album.” I was like, “yeah, mom, stop bidding, I’LL MAKE YOU ONE.” The same thing I told Angela, but hey if they want to pay me for stuff I’m not going to try too hard to stop them.

The I can’t believe I entered this contest Post

That is me looking horribly, horribly forlorn.  That is me after having a stupid crying spell about pretty much nothing.  See I entered this Hall of Fame scrapbooking contest. It took me forever to do and the requirements were ridiculously hard this year. And I like SLAVED on it for weeks. And when I was done I was all, “Oh, oh, my God. I am the best scrapbooker in the WHOLE world, and I am so creative and wonderful and I don’t even have to worry because I am so fantastic that of course I am going to win, and it’s too bad my hand just can’t stay on my back to pat it all day because I rock SO MUCH.”  So then I waited like FOREVER to find out if I won (I mean 25 out of 1000 is pretty good odds, no?).  So I belong to this website where people like me obsess about things like this. And so people started posting that they won and I didn’t get called.  And, okay, some people still might get called tomorrow (and sorry for you reading this that aren’t my immediate family, but I won’t be able to tell you if I am one of them for like, a month), but that didn’t matter to me in my moment of hopelessness. My moment of bawling and saying to Bj, “And even if I do win, I mean they will give me an assignment and I won’t be able to finish it because I don’t have kids, and I don’t do anything cool, and I’m a looser, wah, wah, wah.”  People tell me I’m creative (thanks mom!!), but there are lots of people who are creative. I’m starting to wonder if creative means: slightly odd and colorful and a bit off?  Getting the dictionary…3.”Marked by originality and expressiveness; imaginative: One who displays productive originality.”  So I am expressive, but sometimes people just call that drama.  I don’t know.  I feel much better since Bj told me how lovely I was and that I would of course win and all of that.  But if you call me from an 801 area code tomorrow and are not Lisa (the head honcho of this magazine) I will probably have some kind of attack and get in the car and start driving…
My hero in my moment of insanity.  See Bj, we could adopt a deaf child someday, you know the most important sign already!!!

That cute little tushie!!!

This little baby was over last night. She was kind of hard to take a picture of since she was on the move. It’s weird how fast they can crawl, and you have to like keep up with them if your house is un-baby-friendly as ours. She’s all, “hey this is a remote, can I chew it?” or “should I push all the buttons on your stereo?” But babies are just so cute with all their little things, their little toes, and fingers, and tushies, you can’t get upset, TOO CUTE!! I think Bj likes real babies compared to all the shows I’ve been watching on Discovery Health Channel (double identical twins, baby: special delivary, etc.). But when she cried it was like they were coming to life. She was crying and I was walking her around in her soft blankie and she fell asleep on my shoulder, awwwww. I want one, shhh don’t tell Bj.

Crazy Scrapbooking Ladies!

Yup, that’s all the stuff we brought to the scrapbooking store last night. We went to the graveyard 5-11 crop at the Scrap Yard.  We sat across from some great ladies and had a blast.  I got a couple more things done for eBay so check it out, I’ll be posting more of them tonight.  It was so much fun to hang out with Beachwood.  It’s kind of annoying when all your friends move away, but I am always so glad when they come back to visit. I have been watching Freaks and Geeks with Katie and we have been laughing so hard. I can’t believe this show got cancelled. Anyway back to scrapping like crazy. I gave Beachwood a mini class on making tags. Our next lesson is going to be sewing on layouts (I bet you can’t wait Beachwood).  It’s been so wonderful weather wize here. The only problem is my “hating the world” (quote by Beachwood) neighbors and their smoking.  I hate it when I have the windows open and the sweet smell of the grass gets cut off by their cigarettes and pot (ew, ew, ew). It also makes their constant band practice that much louder.  Well they are off on a gig tonight so I am going to enjoy the silence.