Words—Step by Step

I thought I would give a look into my process for one of my layouts. I’ve seen great examples of scrapbookers doing this. Nichol Magouirk is starting a weekly feature of her start to finish process, Marcy Penner did a post about the anatomy of one of her layouts, and most recently Christine Middlecamp just …

Lemon Heads, Tiger Tails, and Boston Baked Beans

So I felt a lot better this morning, and after working out with my personal trainer Mya for 45 minuets I started to get some of my hyperness back. I was only up to hitting refresh about 20 times on the pub board on two peas when Bj called me and invited me to come …

The I can’t believe I entered this contest Post

That is me looking horribly, horribly forlorn.  That is me after having a stupid crying spell about pretty much nothing.  See I entered this Hall of Fame scrapbooking contest. It took me forever to do and the requirements were ridiculously hard this year. And I like SLAVED on it for weeks. And when I was …

Crazy Scrapbooking Ladies!

Yup, that’s all the stuff we brought to the scrapbooking store last night. We went to the graveyard 5-11 crop at the Scrap Yard.  We sat across from some great ladies and had a blast.  I got a couple more things done for eBay so check it out, I’ll be posting more of them tonight.  …