Oh my goodness Tuesday has started this pre-talking babbling thing and it is so cute I could just die! We got a little bit on video so I'll have to see if Bj can get it online. That is a new development as of today. I am reminded that I should write this kind of …
Category Archives: Spinning
A not so manly vest.
Remember this yarn? I wanted to knit it up ASAP to see if I liked knitting singles, so I could see if I should spin some more. Turns out I do like knitting singles, a lot. I made up a quick little vest from a free pattern I found online. It's called the manly vest, …
Double as Cute
It was so wonderful out yesterday. Sunny, happy, beautiful weather. Erin came to visit us and kept an eye on the little miss while I had a cavity filled (I blame the coca cola during pregnancy). After getting some work done we headed outside to walk around. Everyone had the same idea, as we came …
Knitting and Spinning and Knitting and Spinning
Those have been the main crafty activities since Tuesday was born. Mostly because I can knit while I nurse her and I keep the wheel out. So combine those two things and you have hand knits… in handspun! My favorite combo. Remember those scrappies from Funky Carolina? Well I made yarn with them! And I …
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Knit baby love
I started knitting up a baby surprise jacket for my neighbor across the street. She just had a baby boy, I'm so excited for another baby friend for Tutu. While I was trying to get Tuesday to model the jacket I realized if I wanted her to have one I had better start on it …
Mostly fiber related, spinners check in!
With a little Tuesday thrown in… Because this thing called a nap? Have you heard of it? It is AWESOME! Now for spinners, I have this idea:So I just signed up for Funky Carolina's Scrappy Club where you get a bunch of her awesome fibers in a tiny little bunches. Here is an example, and …
Ebbs and Flows
It's strange that the good and bad days in my life right now are so tied to sleep. We go from wake up happiness: To insane tiredness: And everything else in between in the course of a day. I realize more and more how much I need other people to help me, and that can …
Bouncy bouncy
That is the only reason I am posting right now… because I'm sitting on an exercise ball and wearing Tuesday, which I don't mind at all. She has been like this a lot: Pick me up, pick me up (I think she might also be saying, "knit me a hat that fits!" since she is …
The last few days have been all about baby holding. Bj's mom came to visit and nana was a big hit (nap time for mama!). Sarah (I just looked at her blog, duplicate entry 🙂 came over on Saturday and we had a so much fun visiting, eating cake, and going on a walk. …
The knitter in me can’t help herself.
Tuesday is briefly letting me off the hook, I just laid her down (about 15 minutes ago so she should be ready to hang out again any second now… just kidding I've got Enya blasting). I have a sure fire way to get her to conk out, if ever so briefly: swaddle her, plop her …