I found this photo of Bennie on my phone. She took it of herself while Bj was holding her. I was reading Big Susan to Tuesday. Bennet has a been up for hours. Luckily this the first time in a week that Bj has been able to help in the middle of the night. He’s …
Tag Archives: sleep
Sleep. Or what ever the opposite of that is.
I had a kid who didn’t sleep. Her name was Tuesday and I blogged about this “problem” a few times. Eventually at 38 months she started going to sleep on her own and sleeping in her own bed. A freaking miracle because I was pregnant and FREAKING OUT over having two kids that took hours …
Continue reading “Sleep. Or what ever the opposite of that is.”
Three Months
Oh I’m just a cute little baby… LA LA LA I like to talk! I’m such a happy girl. HI INTERNET!!! These are actually 3 months + 1 day, because 3 months ended like this: Beware the big sister monster! (side note: We are having issues with our heaters upstairs – thousands of ants invaded …
Oh hey, have you ever heard me write about Tuesday’s sleep issues? No? Have you been reading my blog longer than a month because it’s a reoccurring theme. When she was a newborn I was thrown for a shock to learn that some babies actually could go all day (and most of the night) with …
Tuesday’s Room
It’s been a while since I’ve shown Tuesday’s room. I never really did finish her “nursery” I had a kind of space theme in mind, but quickly realized that themes don’t really work that well for me. We finally moved her crib out and just put the mattress on the floor. Its been, interesting. Tuesday …
Late (productive) nights
Bj and I have a standing deal: we get one glorious morning each weekend day to sleep in. It’s beautiful and I love it oh so much. Of course I tend to go a bit crazy the night before I know I get to sleep in and this last weekend was no exception. In fact, …
This Moment
Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
When sleep won’t come…
photo from yesterday’s nap taken on iPhone I just got done putting Tuesday to sleep. It took me three hours. Bj is working late so I got to hear her sing out, “bobbobbobbobbobbob bobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bob bob?” This is Tuesday for, “Where are you Bob bob?” I knew she was tired like four hours ago, did …