Sleep. Or what ever the opposite of that is.

I had a kid who didn’t sleep. Her name was Tuesday and I blogged about this “problem” a few times. Eventually at 38 months she started going to sleep on her own and sleeping in her own bed. A freaking miracle because I was pregnant and FREAKING OUT over having two kids that took hours …

Late (productive) nights

Bj and I have a standing deal: we get one glorious morning each weekend day to sleep in. It’s beautiful and I love it oh so much. Of course I tend to go a bit crazy the night before I know I get to sleep in and this last weekend was no exception. In fact, …

February 1st is the new January 1st

So I was way, WAY too wrapped up in getting my new site launched, finishing up my branding, and going to Disneyland to worry about the start of a new year and all that comes with it on January 1st. Because of where Tuesday’s birthday falls (the 10th), I’m thinking this is going to be …