I guess I didn’t do week in the life last year? I can’t find anything about it in my archives. That makes me more excited than ever to participate this week, as it’s the first time Bennie’s in the mix! See my archive of Week in the Life posts here. Inspired by Ali’s project.
9:19 AM
The only time I get to watch something for grown-ups, but Bennie’s almost catching on so it’s not going to last.
10:03 AM
Watching the newest O.K. Go video. Brilliant. Squaring up small quilts.
12:26 PM
Grandma is back from Japan!
2:00 PM
Nursed Bennet down to sleep then laid her in our bed.
2:00 PM
Tuesday is already in her leotard, starting rest time by looking at her book, “When I was a baby…” And asks me to get down the big scrapbook full of layouts of her (we keep it in her room now).
2:33 PM
Walking up every half hour is becoming standard. Man, I miss those long naps.
3:07 PM
Working on the binding. I should start Halloween costumes (yes, start), but I just can’t help myself I guess.
3:09 PM
Up again, and still tired. I won’t be able to sneak out this time. Pat her back until she’s ready to get up.
3:35 PM
Tuesday’s hair for dance.
3:43 PM
Tuesday is ready to go, now I have to wake up Bennet since this is when she decides to sleep soundly.
5:38 PM
We stopped to see gramps before he goes down to California for the winter. I hinted at dinner but they were still packing so hot deli items it is.
6:08 PM
Jo-jos, fried burritos and chicken strips. Gross.
6:48 PM
Mama can we paint? I need to paint the washer and dryer I made Tootsie.
8:54 PM
Bj’s home, do a hand off and snuggle up to read to Tuesday.
10:26 PM
In bed, Bennie asleep, Tuesday almost.
Noticed: The day bookended by technology. Still lots of nursing going on, first thing in the morning, and at naps, falls, etc. I need to plan for meals. It always falls apart when I don’t. Harder to lug the big camera around with both the girls. I might have to give into Bj saying I need something smaller. Also I need more tops with pockets.
The Catskills
Our sweet friends were married a few weeks ago in New York, and Bj and I were so happy we were able to attend. It took a little schedule shuffling and baby sitter finding, as things do, but we did it! I decided at the beginning of the summer that Bennet would probably still be nursing (I was right) so I wanted to bring her (we were gone four days, and I’m a terrible pumper). This presented a little problem because the wedding was absolutely no kids; the hillside venue doesn’t allow it. I found a great baby sitter through the venue and she came to the little cabin we rented (an AirBNB). Tuesday stayed with Grandma and Grandpa (“only four days Mama???”). It was a great trip, and fun to travel just with Bennie (holy crap how easy is just one kid?!?!?!). We’d never explored this area before (Hudson River Valley/Catskills) and LOVED it.
Of course I packed a ton, it is totally my weakness. In the end we used pretty much everything, though it wasn’t as cold as I thought. It’s hard when you have a messy toddler and no access to laundry facilities.
Two of the nights we stayed just outside of the airport area, in Morristown, NJ. We ate at this super yummy grilled cheese sandwich place. Here you see mine, which had eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, and CHEESE. Plus a balsamic vinaigrette tip. OMG I loved this.
Friday was a travel day and we had a request from Bennet, “a pop-li-lick store” (a popsicle store). Um…. I was sure such a thing did not exist, but low and behold we found one in Cold Springs New York! And it was great. Go Go Pops had lots of flavors, Bennet’s favorite was the avocado kiwi one she’s holding, I loved this watermelon. I was happy to give her whatever she wanted for being so awesome in the car! She finally weighs enough for a half tablet of kids Dramamine, thank goodness. I didn’t know how we were going to survive the windy roads without it! All told we only had one full on throw up incident, which is awesome considering she gets sick driving to Target. This day she slept for two hours after we arrived at Cold Springs. Bj said he’d wait in the car and I spent the time slowly walking through antique stores, HEAVEN! I actually didn’t buy much. I shopped as a proxy for Sciarrino and got her a large metal platter for her collection and a Foley Food Mill in great condition. I got myself a large steel bento type container, and a quilt. Yes a quilt, I’ll save that for another post. This is the one I didn’t get:
Check out the miles of binding! Wow! I loved it, but I loved the other one I got even more and had to choose.
Everything people say about fall colors on the east coast is true, and then some! So beautiful!!! All Tuesday requested from the trip were leaves, so I pressed these in a press I brought to bring her as a souvenir.
The leaves being crunchy vs. soggy certainly make it easier to play in them!
Of course the real reason we were there was the wedding! Krista and Matt had lovely details everywhere. Um, vintage card catalog? YES! And vintage hankies for each guest. Matt is the one who designed my porch (he’s an architect) by sketching something out while we were having lunch like it was no big deal (and I’d been puzzling over what to do for a couple years!), so I shouldn’t have been surprised that he designed a wedding logo! I love the little framed card asking friends to let the professional photographers only take pictures of the ceremony. I think this is a MUST these days. Also, wedding hashtag. Yes to seeing what everyone else is snapping the rest of the night!
The reception tent.
Cell phone pic of the view. Imagine this but ten times more awesome. The bride emailed me a few times warning that it was going to be outside and cold. I think it finally clicked for me the night before we left when I realized I had NO even remotely dressy coat that fit! I panicked, called Sciarrino and told her it was a shopping emergency and could she please meet me at the shops to find something! I did, a lovely (and warm!) wool jacket at Anthropology. It was fun being all cozy and snuggled next to Bj while I teared up during the ceremony.
The lovely couple, first dance.
Bj and Bennie at the venue the next day for the bagel breakfast. Holy crap have you seen huge New York style bagels?!?! They are yummy! Because of the aforementioned hashtag I realized that we would be passing close by Storm King. STORM KING. Totally not planned and amazing. I have been so limited on what kind of art I’ve seen lately, and this just fed my soul. I loved it.
Me in front of Andy Goldsworthy’s wall. Ahh!!!!!! I must say I was a bit worried because the place was INSANE packed. We parked so far away from any kind of parking lot (of which there are many) that I feared the amount of people would spoil the views of the art. Not so (though I was a bit grumbly about people touching, leaning on and CLIMBING on the art; what the hell people?!?! And why aren’t there more docents out there???).
One area you’re encouraged to climb and roll around, Maya Lin’s Storm King Wavefield. Bennet just loved it here. I mean here the whole place. We were able to hope on the little tram to take us part way around, as this was unplanned an the little stroller would not have handled all the natural paths well. Then we walked back up… the grasses, the leaves, the various types of trails. Oh man, if I lived any where near here I would be getting an annual pass for sure. I can only imagine how it changes with the seasons.
I didn’t take many pictures. I did buy a book about the place, but wanted to spend my time there mostly soaking things in, instead of getting pictures.
We finished off the day back in Morristown at a combo sushi/Japanese/Korean place. BEST IDEA EVER. Sushi for him, Korean for me. mmmmm. That stone bowl is no joke though, keeps the food so freaking hot I burned the side of my mouth.
And Bennet, how did she travel? Great! She loved having all our attention. Despite the pain that is carrying on carseats (through security, schlepping them around, etc.), I still recommend it. She’s used to sitting in one in the car, and she took two hours naps on both cross country flights, which was relaxing for us since she was in here (I just nursed her and then carefully laid her in and buckled her). I did make a indestructible toddler mini book. Because apparently I HAVE to stay up super late before we leave on every trip and I absolutely MUST leave my knitting packing until the car ride up there. I know how much Bj loves to get the car started while I wind one more skein of yarn! Ha! We brought snacks and stickers and silly putty and it was great. I mean not relaxing like we were on our own, but you know. And we managed to sit by a totally out of control family not once, BUT TWICE, there and back. This is where someone might say they sat by terrible kids, but I have to put this on the parents. Telling your kid, “Stop running or you’ll be kicked off the plane” is just stupid and hearing the mom tell her screaming nearly two year old, “Nobody cares about your problems” made my heart hurt. But their screaming made my ears hurt. It IS a lot of work to take care of little kids on a plane. And it IS exhausting. And I’ll never forget the first flight I took with just me and toddler Tuesday. A man said to me as he was leaving what a good job I did. I think he said something like, “You worked your butt off that flight, and we all appreciate it.” So that’s what I continue to do, work my butt off on the flights and have a happy kid. So far so good (minus that one sick Tuesday coming home from Hawaii time, but I swear I did try everything).
The Garden – into fall 2014
Wow, I can’t believe I haven’t posted about the garden since the end of August. I have been out there lots, the weather was crazy insane for a while. We had a rainy day or two so I was super proactive and got out all our winter gear, put away the sundresses, etc. Only to have a week of days with 80+ weather in OCTOBER. What?!?! So then I dragged out the bins and now there are clothes everywhere (as it seems fall rain has really settled in).
How about this, eating fresh watermelon and cantaloupe I picked, from my yard, on October 3rd?!?! All the other pictures are from the 5th.
Because of the sunny weather (these pictures were taken near dusk, that’s why they look so melancholy) I even did some fall clean up, filling up my bin, as well as two of the neighbor’s bins! You can see on this picture and the next where I’ve cleaned things up a bit.
Usually I deal with a soggy mess of stuff in the spring. The bean tee-pee is dying back, and I’ve harvested lots of dried beans for next year’s plantings.
I took out all of the pumpkin vines after harvesting the last one in early October. I was going to take out the melon vines, but I still have a few more on there, and they still taste great! Super impressed with my melons this year, though I only got two watermelons, so I think I’ll stick to cantaloupe from now on. I need to clean up the strawberries, I don’t like the ever bearing variety in there right now, so I need to find all the plants that have strawberries and pull them.
Since I had my hori hori out I decided to do a little test. This is after a couple weeks of not watering and a day or so of rain in that time. The wood chips I put out in the late spring work amazing to hold in moisture! Here is an area that had no wood chips for comparison:
I didn’t have many areas to choose from since most of my yard was mulched, but I hope you can see the difference. If not let me tell you about it, the ground here is hard. Where I’ve had the wood chips all summer, even where I’ve been walking (as above) the ground has gotten a lot softer. I am worried about one thing, doing some clean up I found the most insane amount of slug eggs. I’m not sure exactly how this is going to pan out, but it makes me want a duck (they love slugs).
The last pumpkin harvested (the variety is Jarrahdale and it is a green-grey when cured). I stuffed one already and it was AMAZING and the girls are like, more more more and I’m like, that was a lot of heavy cream ladies. The tomatoes are still putting out fairly well. Before the rains just started up again I was able to pick about 12 lbs. They will continue to ripen, but the wet weather will split them. SAD FACE.
The winter garden is growing well. Bj is going to make me a little PVC hoop house over those far two beds for the winter and to give me an earlier start in the spring.
Carrots that I can harvest whenever I need, and little swiss chard growing, my spinach isn’t doing so great here. The small containers on the deck railing are doing better, those have some lettuce as well. The hot weather did drive some of my lettuce to bold, unfortunately. I should probably throw in a last planting when I go out to plant garlic (my seed garlic just came!).
I have gotten so many figs this year. Even though the squirrels are getting in on the action, I’ve still had plenty. They are a kid favorite and I harvested enough at once to make a yummy jam. Plus I dried some and froze at least seven pounds. I’ll cut those and the maple back significantly this winter.
Even though the weather is starting to turn Tuesday is wanting to play down here as much as possible. I’ve got her cleaning up the toys every time so they stay dry in the shed in between her little coffee shop play business.
A terrible picture of my front yard, which despite weeds and craziness is still bright and colorful. Tuesday has been playing a lot with all the neighborhood kids so I’m out here more, and instead of lounging trying to trim something or pull a weed while I watch over the craziness.
Look at this crazy tree that won’t die. We need to cut it to the ground soon to prep the area of the little mini dwarf orchard tree trio I want to try. The clematis is also coming back from being chopped to the ground (it had a fungus problem). It looks better than ever (you can barely see it here to the left of the stairs).
And roses still delight, though would more so if I dead headed them in a timely manner!
Probably not much more to share about my garden this year as I get it all tucked in for the winter. How about you, is your garden all put away or are you trying winter gardening this year?
How Learning Looked
I don’t think this will be a weekly feature, at least not now. I just don’t find myself having enough time at the computer (usually late in the evening, when the girls are in bed, is the only time I can write uninterrupted). Also I am trying to be more present with the girls during our main learning time (mornings I would say) and that includes not having the phone or camera get between us. So maybe bi-weekly is a good goal for now. Tuesday is 5.5 and Bennet is 2.
Tuesday asked me about money. So we got some out and investigated it. I wasn’t sure what she was trying to find out at first so I got out a bunch of different materials. We weighted rolls of coins, looked at them with a magnifying glass, talked about quarters being a quarter of a dollar and looked at other types of money. She wasn’t so interested in how much they are worth right now, and I don’t think she understands that a nickel is five pennies.
While most of the time we are doing things that Tuesday wants to investigate, Bennet gets to have fun too. Here she was using some fashion plates a friend gave us. I’m trying to be more aware of where Bennet is an what she wants to do.
She surprised me the other day by wanting to zoom through some cut and paste books. She really liked using the glue stick once she got the hang of it!
I stayed up late one night re-arranging our basement. We are just too loud to work right next to Bj’s home office all day (he has to take calls that require us to be VERY quiet). I have goals set to rotate materials. Especially for Bennet who can not sit and work on one project as long as Tuesday wants too.
I moved Tuesday’s desk over to this area. The bookshelves behind her are full of our encyclopedia’s and childcraft books. She loves diving into these things. We had fun reading an old Indian legend in one and learning about lungs in another.
I’m never sure exactly how much Tuesday soaks up, since I don’t test her. Well we had an interesting conversation with a friend that we picked up from school one day. She was talking about the various ways kids get in trouble and told us that one had said another girl had “dirty blood”. Tuesday looked thoughtful for a minute and then said, “perhaps he was just saying her blood wasn’t oxygenated enough.” I thought it was quite amazing that she put that together with what we had casually read about the day before!
Bennet checked out our new block area. I made the little platform to get her started, but so far neither girl has taken much of a liking to this area. And oh I am determined for them to try it out! I’m going to use some of these great ideas to spice it up a bit.
Tuesday draws all day every day and recently made this for me, which I love. It’s her representation of our house, from the front. I think my favorite detail is the small bit of polka dot curtain peeking out from the front picture window.
She asked me for a coloring book with people and I have a ton of the dover ones, they are easy to spot on the Goodwill shelve with the little red, yellow and blue strip on the spine, and are always 99 cents. Well I’ve amassed quite the collection, but was saving them until Tuesday was older, because they are so detailed. I showed her one and then went to put Bennet down for a nap. Twenty minutes later I came to find her like this. She found the same page colored and was copying it as exactly as she could. She is not happy with the skin tones and I told her at art supply shops you can buy individual colored pencils, so we’re hoping to do that this week.
She also wrote more letters. This is how I help her do that independently. She has a little notebook she helped me make with pictures of friends and family and then address stickers. I got this idea from Meg.
Tuesday wanted to work on a scrapbook of her babies so she set up this little scene and let all her dollies take a turn in the tub. I particularly like the water coming out of the faucet.
Bennet just loved this sandbox at a birthday party we went to. We were some ways off, watching her in the distance for a good half hour happily digging and pouring. It makes me want to get a sandbox… almost.
I’m happy to say that Bennet seems to like books as much as her sister. Here she is with one of her favorites, a little animal book just the right size for her hands.
Speaking of reading, I thought I’d share our current reads.
-Tuesday is reading Tales of a Forth Grade Nothing for a second time, this time Papa is reading it to her. I’m reading her These Happy Golden Years in the little house series. We read about three chapters a night.
This is what Tuesday has tucked up next to her top bunk (it’s a high window that also works as a shelf!). The Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa series. One of the annuals from the set of encyclopedias we got. Dance Spirit magazines, The Quiet Book, It’s so Amazing and It’s not the Stork. Tuesday has not asked me to read any of these to her. She can not “read” to herself yet, but that doesn’t stop her from reading alone quite often in rest time or with a lantern before bed.
Bennet LOVES these cozy classics. We have almost all of them, and she knows them by heart. The illustrations are all needle felted and pretty much amazing. Of course my favorite is Pride and Prejudice. She also regularly requests “Where’s Spot?” by wagging her finger wildly (the ASL sign for where) and saying “Where’s Spot????”. We picked it up from one of the Little Free Libraries around town.
I so love this free learning style! It is working very well for us right now.
No Spend September wrap up
Bj and I did another no spend month this September. We did this last year, and LOVED it. It was a great way to reset our goals and priorities. Just like last year we gave ourselves $400 to spend on essentials. We came in way under budget and it was even easier than last time. I think my favorite thing about the no spend month is that we are together a lot more. There are less “errands” and more activities at home. We don’t really stock up any more than usual for the month, but it’s just our style to have a bit of extra food, especially the stuff we put up ourselves. Here is our fridge:
We also have a freezer in the basement, as well as all my home canned stuff. Because of the season there was no shortage of fresh produce, and I was perfectly willing to spend $100 on tomatoes, as I did last year, because this is the time I put them up. But our friend generously gave us a ton because this year was crazy amazing for the PNW and tomatoes (except for mine, grumble).
These were extra after she canned all she wanted! Crazy!
We also participated in a few Salem Harvests. My kids were tons of help of course:
The main difference between this month and the others is that we DON’T EAT OUT!
Which encourages me to try new things, like baba ganoush!
But mostly easy, seasonal things are where it’s at for September.
We’re lucky to ALL get free hair cuts from Nana!
We even went camping (in my Grandpa’s backyard). Turns out you can go camping with out going to the grocery store first and buying bags full of junk food 🙂
So how did we total up?
A day in the life of a homeschooling mama
I found this post very interesting by a child-led homeschooling mama. I just love her blog and she has lots of wonderful ideas, but I was struck by how little time she had for herself during the day (or at least the day she featured), basically none. This is my biggest worry about homeschooling. That I’ll be with both the kids all the time and won’t have time to do what I (some what selfishly, I admit) want to do. I decided it would be fun to look at one of my days and just picked one. Of course it got out of control and a bit crazy, but you know what, I’ve decided to share it. Mostly as a record to myself. And also as a way to answer that age old question, “how do you do it?”
1:45-2:50 AM up with Bennet. She’s slept through the night twice and they were glorious, glorious nights. But as of now we’re back to up in the night.
6:30 Bennet gets up. I ply her with books white I have a few more minutes to sleep. This doesn’t work for too long because Bennet loves her gummy vitamins. I think she must go to bed dreaming about them. Because “vi-ma-mins?” downstairs to get vi-ma-mins?” starts and doesn’t stop.
7:00 head downstairs in a bit of a fog. Heat up left over oatmeal and make toast. Face time Bj. Decide I should start the grape juice. Gather the supplies and clean grapes. Sit on the floor and eat a bite while watching a little bit of Bones (I usually don’t watch much and Bennet is starting to understand things on the iPad so I think my time getting to sneak this in is limited, the girls rarely have any screen time).
The day before we had picked grapes at my friend’s place, as they still had lots of juice from the year before. So ya, a lot of grapes.
8:30 spend ten minutes organizing the linen closet
8:45 check on juice and help Bennet with a xylophone she found somewhere.
9:00 text with Bj, shower and get ready
9:30 my friend comes over with her son so I can show her how to make juice.
10:45 Tuesday wakes up, and immediately goes outside with her buddy to play
11:35 start making lunch
11:55 eat outside
(Tuesday snapped this photo of me with her camera)
12:30 canning
1:15-1:35 get Bennet down. It takes longer every day and she sleeps less every day but I am just not ready to give up on the nap yet.
2:05 our friends leave. I put another batch in the canner and sit down to have juice with Tuesday when
2:12 Bennet wakes up, so I try to get her back down
2:35 run downstairs and turn off burners when I realize she’s not going to go to sleep so easily
2:40 hear an epic down pour. Tuesday runs in and tells me her fairy garden is covered with “wet wetness” and could I please bring it in?
2:45 rub Bennet’s back
3:15 Bennet and I fall asleep
5:25 Tuesday wakes us up because we’ve been “sleeping forever!” (meanwhile she’s been playing. She has a two hour “rest time” where she plays and reads every day, but sometimes it’s less)
I answer texts and return phone calls. We head downstairs so I can start back up the juice process. I have to finish this day because mold sets in on grapes in our climate so quickly and it will spread seemingly instantly. Besides ALL THE FRUIT FLIES drive me crazy. The girls meanwhile color. Tuesday found a book that has cursive in it and wants to try it so I grab some great texture cursive letter cards we have so she can run her fingers over the letters and try it. At some point we eat some dinner, left overs I’m sure, though I can’t find what we did for food in my notes.
7:30 Bennet gets in the sink to play.
8:15 Tuesday gets in the other sink and hilarious giggles ensue.
9:10 Tuesday takes Bennet upstairs to change and get ready for bed.
Finish canning, cleaning. Read them stories between canner loads. Halve all the small tomatoes and oil for the dehydrator.
11:09 they’re asleep
(35 quarts of grape juice – I’ll give half to the friend who helped me earlier in the day)
Laundry, clean up, get in bed and watch a little Bones and knit to wind down.
12:05 lights out.
So ya, I guess I didn’t get any time to myself. But you know what, I did get done what I wanted to do that day. I had a secret hope of getting a few quilt blocks done, but the grapes (and tomatoes) had to be dealt with and we got it done. The girls didn’t have any hands on lessons from me, but I don’t think I could ask for better from them. They spent time outside playing with another kid, digging in dirt and making lots of pretend food. They did more than keep themselves busy; they actively sought and completed work important to them. And this is what I just LOVE about the more free style/unschooling type of thing we are doing now. I wouldn’t have even though to have Tuesday draw her camera with detail, or write out the alphabet. She did it, because she wanted to. She wanted to see if she could do it from memory, and then found a way to check her work. Of course I often wish there are more hours in the day, and that I could sit and give them all my attention for long periods of time. Some days I am able to do that. And some days I’m canning 35 quarts of juice, after having Bj gone for days at a conference, and it’s survival mode. But it’s all good.
Maybe I will do one of our “normal” days sometime… if we ever have one!
How learning looked this week
We having been moving towards a very child led/free form style of homeschooling. This summer was all about writing for Tuesday, she is quite the little note maker. I didn’t set up many activities, but followed their interest. And of course they participate in the day to day around here, which always brings up more questions that leads to more answer finding. I love that. It is hard to describe what we do since we don’t follow any curriculum and don’t have a set schedule or day specific goals. The girls love to do art projects and I encourage that with lots of materials for them to experiment with. There is a blog I just love, called An Everyday Story, that does a weekly wrap up of their week in learning. She has a few others participating with her and I love the idea of focusing on what the kids are doing. If nothing else to help me see how their interests change and grow.
So here is our week in learning.
The girls asked to paint. I’m trying to say YES to more activities they want to do, even if they are messy and put a little crimp into what I want to do. I think having blocks of time in the morning where I don’t answer the phone and just am more available to them is my goal for this fall.
Bennet is two (just, she turned two in July), so she still cycles through activities pretty quickly. At this point Tuesday was still painting, meanwhile Bennet and I did a few other activities.
Taking advantage of our amazing weather. I devised this on the fly; wrote out upper and lower case letters in chalk. Then had Tuesday throw a water balloon on a letter I called out. I love how this morphed into her smashing balloons with her feet to get more precise on her popping. I also called out words and had her find the starting letter. Then she wanted to spell whole words this way.
I organized all our games recently and after creating a note with game, age range, and amount of players I realized we had 117! Oh my! So we’re pulling them out and using them. This one was great, but I gave it to Goodwill after playing and realizing it was missing a letter. I don’t mind using a game once or twice and donating it since most of them I get for a dollar.
Not only has Tuesday taught Bennie to count to ten, but she is always showing her how to do something new, here it’s how to use the vacuum.
YES you can help me. YES you can use a sharpie.
I simply set my box of colored postcards and file of postage on the table. I wrote a note and asked if Tuesday wanted to. That led to us figuring out how much postage we needed. Pennies worked great for this. I gave her 49 and for every stamp she put on she had to “buy” it with the pennies, so she could see how much postage she had left to put on. We find unused postage of various amounts at the coin and stamp shop. They are face value or less, so it doesn’t cost us extra to do this. But is MUCH more fun.
Even though it is No Spend September I splurged and bought this 2002 set of encyclopedias for $28!!! I am so thrilled as I have been longing for a set of new-ish encyclopedias ever since I saw this post. I’m glad I spent a year waiting until I found a set that was much more recent than anything else (I was seeing 80s as the only cheap option before this amazing score). For those of you local there is a set of these same type from 1995 at the South Salem Goodwill (at least there was earlier this week) for about $40. WE HAVE BEEN LOVING THESE. I can say for sure these are going to be a great addition for us, though we have lots (no TONS) of books already. Tuesday and I have researched Asia, which led to talking about maps and grids, and then how rice is cultivated. I have been looking online to answer certain questions but this is much more hands on for her and really it’s amazing how much we are both learning.
Tuesday and Bennet are finally playing in the outdoor play kitchen again. They were not using it much once I moved it to this corner. Tuesday is “canning” and I didn’t realize until later that she was actually feeding Bennet her results (but mom she likes it!). So happy our totally enclosed back yard lets them play outside while I watch from the kitchen window and cook.
Patterns on the fridge. Started by copying designs that came with the set and then said, “I want to make my own designs mama.” YES to that!
We’re reading chapters every night and having great discussions on then vs. now. Tuesday has throughly enjoyed this set of pens. To be honest, so do I! I figured we needed a few not-back to school supplies.
You’re never too old to learn! I was lucky enough to take a wonderful quilt class this weekend.
Bennet and I had some alone time Sunday morning. I’m still trying to find the perfect activities for her age. I love this color game, but it’s just out of her reach developmentally.
And while she didn’t want to take turns, or just put in one bean, this game still thrilled her.
I’ve realized as I’ve blogged less that I miss the record of the every day. These are the little things that are hard to remember. I’m hoping doing a weekly round up like this will help me see how and what we’re learning and remember all the little and big steps they’re taking!
A master gardener’s farm garden
I have a lot of online gardening crushes. It’s fun to see what other people are doing, and I love reading about new techniques and plant varieties. But nothing is as good as seeing how another gardener does things. That’s why I’m always bugging gardening friends for tours, no matter how small or big their garden is. If they are growing something I want to know, what is working, what is not? What do you like this year the best, what have you learned?
I love the dill on the edge, flowers spilling everywhere – a lot of volunteers I was told, and the half barrel you can see on the far right – that’s overflowing with carrots!
One of my good friends, Kathy, is a farmer. She grows lots of stuff, but most of it I won’t grow (grass seed, winter wheat). She is one of the most interesting people to talk to, I just love seeing how everything works on her farm, so I still want to talk growing and planting. And she is so generous with her time. When my friends from Alaska visited she gave us a tour of her farm and showed the girls cows up close and personal, took the sides off her combine and explained everything, and even let them try sliding down a big bay of wheat! She is always asking if I want fruit from one of the many trees on her property, and towards the end of the summer, her mom starts bringing over boxes of delicious produce when she knows Kathy has friends over. You can guess how thrilled I was when I was finally able to bring over something Kathy and her family like that they didn’t grow (asian pears) to share.
A few fruit trees and grape vines on the property, Kathy has more up at her house “across the street” (3/4 a mile away).
I’ve been trying to come up with nice ways to say thanks to Kathy and her mom for years, I mean if you tried the tomatoes I get from her garden you would be too! I finally decided to order them a few new tools: my favorite jar lifter (no slips, ever!), and a funnel I’ve already gifted twice before, it has a built in headspace ruler. With those two gadgets and the news that you no longer need to heat jar lids that’s all they’ll need! Oh did I mention that besides working marathon days in the fields Kathy cans with her mom? Yup! They put up things they grow (green beans, grape juice, all manner of fruit goodies, tomatoes, etc.) as well as things from neighboring farmers (like peaches and corn – Kathy was the one who taught me how to milk a cob and make creamed corn, they use it for pancakes!).
My mom is hidden in those towers of tomatoes! We filled a giant box full of 3 varieties of smaller tomatoes – of course they said, help yourself… but we barely made a dent!
I was so happy to get to spend some one on one time with my mom (so rare!) and drive out to deliver the new goodies (her farm is just 20 minutes outside of town, a pretty drive down the river). And without kids I brought my big old camera and snaps some pictures of the amazingly productive garden that Kathy’s mom tends.
Here is a good overview of about a third of the garden. The giant tomatoes and beans (on the right – the tallest she’s ever grown them) block cucumbers, peppers, potatoes and squash, including a large patch of pumpkins for Kathy’s kids to carve.
Here you can see some of those things, along with a swoon worthy compost pile (I mean if you’re semi addicted to compost like me), and cows… you know, just lounging in the background.
Kathy’s mom checks on peppers, which are loaded. You can see the bricks she has around them, to sink heat into and help with ripening. She’s done this for years. But don’t think that she’s set in her ways. I LOVE that she is continuing to try new things. She’s completed master gardener training through our extension (a very time intensive program I hope to do when my kids are older) and still will listen to radio shows on gardening and try new things. She said that this year her husband spread compost around, but didn’t have time to till it in. Also she has noticed a big difference since she started throwing grass clippings mixed with leaves over her garden come late fall, to protect it from our heavy rains, and the compacting they do on the soil. This falls in line with what I have been reading about top down nutrition for soil. Awesome to see it in practice.
I adopted a mini version of this cucumber growing set up after seeing this here a few years ago. She has a tilted trellis and the cucumbers just fall through the back, for easy harvesting, brilliant!
Here she is trying something new to her, a fall/winter bed. Late planted with lettuce (and a fake snake to keep out birds), radishes, chard and peas. She’s not sure all will do well, but just wants to try it out. Of course they repurposed this metal bin, because farmers are nothing if not resourceful!
My main goal in taking pictures was to try and capture how she grows her tomatoes. Pictures do NOT do this justice. Those “healthy kick” tomato plants put out so many paste tomatoes (which are lower in water and better for canning) that she’s already given me FOUR BOXES and canned all she wants for her family, as well as Kathy’s. Um… here’s where it gets embarrassing. I have MORE tomatoes plants in my yard and have gotten about a tenth of what she’s grown (ok probably less). She doesn’t have any better light than me, in fact, her garden gets shaded by the big fir trees you see. I think it’s her pruning, which I have quizzed her on repeatedly. She gives the tomatoes lots of room to breath, but diligently cuts off suckers, and foliage too close to the ground, to deter pests. The amazing thing about the tomatoes you see here is that they were garbage plants. Through an accident the master garden’s planted seedlings in soil contaminated with weed killer, so these were to toss (the master gardener’s put out great sales of starts to raise money, I highly recommend you search one out in your area!). Kathy’s mom took the seedlings brushed them off and re-planted them. The middle shoot came out all wilty so she cut it out, and everything you see are shoots that came up around it. Talk about a happy accident!
One more shot of the gardener with her massive beans…. which by the way she was pressure canning inside when we pulled up.
I hope you enjoyed this little tour. Of course Kathy’s friendship is so special to me (we met rowing crew in college), but I have to say the gardening and the canning is certainly a bonus!
The Garden – end of August 2014
I’m sure many of you have guessed that I’ve gone into my yearly canning phase. Yes, yes, I have lots of good stuff put up now, and much of it from MY GARDEN, which is so exciting.
Ah the August garden. So full that it’s had too see the weeds for over flowing blooms, fruit, veggies, and lush green everywhere. I love it, obviously. Where to start (since it’s been a month, oops)? Looking right at this picture you’ll notice two things in the back you won’t see next year: scarlet runner beans and a cherry tree. I was given the wrong cherry tree variety and unfortunately it took four years (and fruiting) to figure it out. This type will grow to large here and has to go. To be replaced by columnar peaches? I’m starting to scheme and dream. The scarlet runner beans are just horrible. Totally gross as a bean. I mean what is up with this bean??? First of all it took FOREVER to fruit. Then the beans go from maybe edible to giant and fibrous overnight. At this point I’m harvesting zero and going to attempt something with the dried beans from the pods instead. I almost made the girls’ bean teepee out of these, what fail that would have been. They love the yummy purple beans that have been passed down in my family and are happy to snack on those. I have been told after I sowed the scarlet runners that gardeners plant them only for ornamental reasons sometimes. I think that’s weird, but they certainly are pretty. And hummingbirds like them.
And bees like these. Every time they bloom the bees go crazy for them. It’s really amazing you can get so close and watch them just go to work. I’m enthralled with bees right now after reading this fabulous book called The Bees (seriously click on that and just look at that cover!!!). It’s fiction, about the life of a bee, I was sucked in and read it quick.
I feel like my garden as a whole could use more flowers. Well maybe not flowers, but color. I’m focused on food right now, but hopefully I’ll have time to learn more about flower gardening as well. Friends have done cut flower gardens this year and they looked lovely. I might have to try that. Even though bouquets in the house aren’t really my thing (I know! But I hate cleaning up after pollen dripping flowers and dead crumbly leaves).
See where more flowers were in years past I have edible plants like this gorgeous kale.
Opposite the kale my pumpkins are doing well. I think I’ll have at least four that will ripen well, hopefully five or six. I wanted to focus on this lovely Jarrahdale variety. I grew them last year because my friend had extra seeds and fell in love. I got ONE pumpkin. I Stuffed it and was without a doubt the best meal I’ve ever prepared. So I went to the market to buy more, only it’s not common. I found a similar one and it was ten dollars. They hold very well so I figured eating one a month for four or five months would be a good goal. mmmm cheesy, bacony, yummy goodness I can’t wait for you to be in my belly!!!!
Almost ready for me to eat you!!!!
How many melons can you spot? Now these I’m not so sure when I’ll eat. Since I got burned! I was like, “Hey this looks like a melon from the store, I’ll pick it!” only it wasn’t ripe and we couldn’t eat it. And I almost cried. But I think these will ripen, as it’s still hot here (93 today!) and sunny. This trellis Bj made me is working great. Super sturdy. I’m a huge fan of this style of melon growing (especially because it’s the only kind that will fit in my yard!). The apple tree is empty. We have roving raccoons and I was afraid they would try and get some apples and wreck my tree (after all it already suffered a pretty horrible branch loss due to my inability to properly thin). So once they were ripe I just took all the honeycrips. So delicious. I am surprised how early they ripened. I love them, but they’re competing with so many other fresh things to eat! I hope they will hold for a month or two at least in our cool basement.
Next year I will also be eating grapes, I hope. This one vine is doing great, the other one a little slower, but it will get there. Maybe it will camoflogue our garbage cans, weed bins, and mangled kiddie pool next year. A girl can dream! 🙂
Speaking of next year; I am so proud to say I know what I will be picking first thing next year: hopefully some cauliflower, cabbage and brussels sprouts come late winter. Yes I’m trying a winter garden. I have wanted to do this but never got it together to try it. The first year of the garden I had a one year old and hundreds of new plants I knew nothing about. The second year I had a 2.5 year old and when I should have been putting in a winter garden, a miscarriage. The third year a newborn. The forth year a one year old and a 4.5 year old. This year though. I can do it. I think I am finally getting my parenting self together a bit. A two year old and a 5.5 year old don’t take care of themselves, but it is just much more doable for me. Also only having to wake up once at night is wonderful. I digress. I got these starts at Good News Nursery in Hood River. Tuesday and I were going up there for a Daisy Girl Scout day camp and by the time I rolled into the nursery I had five minutes to shop before they closed. I think I did good, considering.
Here you can see the bed I prepped last month, so those carrots and swiss chard are a month old. A few weeks ago I decided to over seed some of the lesser performing carrot rows and the onions. So now I also have spinach coming up. Bj is going to make me a tunnel out of PVC pipe to put over those two beds and I’ll cover it with plastic, to make a sort of green house. I would love to have fresh greens almost year round. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that my beds are all clean and in good shape. Even my herb bed is freshly mulched and my cane berries have been trimmed and thinned for next year.
Ya, loving it back here. I am still mostly out here earlier in the day. It just gets too hot to hang out in the afternoon. That’s our rest time anyway, so it works out. That’s when we pick most ripe things. I’ve done great with tomatoes this year. I’ve already put up 15 pints of whole crushed tomatoes in their own juice, and 4 pints of salsa. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to buy any tomatoes, but I didn’t plant any paste or romas. So I probably will for Italian sauce.
In the front we finally did it. Goodbye giant mess of a willow-grafte-whatever-you-were. Sure, you were pretty but not for this space. Taking gardening classes made me realize it was totally the wrong tree for the space. Of course it won’t willingly die, as you can see. We’ll cut it out stump and all and prep this space for something new. I’m pushing for a trio of super dwarf fruit trees (backyard orchard culture style). Pretty blooms in the spring, fruit in the summer, sounds good to me! The swiss chard in front here is so pretty (and tasty). I plan to sprinkle that seed all over my yard next year. It could almost be an ornamental!
Sunflowers, while not as impressive as last year (and no I didn’t take a picture somehow), still give a nice bit of privacy to our front porch, where we eat regularly.
The flowers could all use dead-heading, but I don’t mind the mess of them. It still looks quite nice walking up to our place.
And you might notice these basil plants. I’ve gotten a few quarries as to if I’m going to plant them. Nope. They love it here and I am totally doing this every year. I went to the store and happened to see basil was $3.99 a (small, not organic) bunch. I figured I would have to bulk order basil since mine never seems to grow well, or it gets over shadowed or something. Then we walked back to the garden center and they had these $7.99 basil plants marked down to $1.99 (this was maybe the beginning of August?). They looked healthy and I figured I’d just take the basil from them and toss the roots into my compost. But when I started cutting them there was so much nice new growth I just took the taller stems and made sure there were no flowers (flowers make the basil put all it’s energy into seed growth instead of leaf growth). I’ve done this twice and look at them! You can’t even tell, it’s nuts! I’ve put away enough pesto to last at least a year and a half, and that’s accounting for keeping my mom in pesto too. 19 containers the first time, 5 big ones the second time (I bet 4 pounds of pesto!) and I could keep going. I’ll pull these in when it gets too cold and see how long I can keep them going inside. This is a tip I must remember for next year.
How is your garden? What did you learn gardening this summer?
The Garden – end of July 2014
Such a lovely time in the garden. I’m staying up much too late writing this entry, but I have to, as everything will change tomorrow I’m sure! Things are growing so fast!
In the front yard the small amount of sunflowers that came up are looking great, but no where near the huge stand we had last year, I’m still not sure why. We do love these though. That bush in the front is dying, I have no idea why.
In the backyard the marigolds are taking over. I’ve never had them go nuts like this. Most were from a six pack of sad tiny starts I got for free outside a master garden sale. I love the cosmos, but next year I also want to plant zinnias, my mom has some that are amazing.
More flowers, with veggies tucked in and the bean teepee center of this area. The girls love it. I love that they come out here and snack. Cherry tomatoes, beans, apples, berries of all kinds. It makes me so happy that they love all the fresh food.
Opposite side of the yard a bit of a mess of things I squeezed too close together. After snapping this I decided to clear out a bit of the butternut squash vine, thinking it was doing nothing. The section I chose to cut out of course had a mini squash on it; the only one on this huge vine. ARGH. Hopefully happy bees will help me get at least one more. I’ve never succeeded in growing my own from seed before. The cucumbers have mildew, but that’s nothing around here. Pepper and tomatoes are good, I’ve brought in a few of each.
The opposite view, many more almost there.
I hope this nearly perfectly prepared bed will yield me some good late fall/winter veggies. I have been very carefully keeping it moist so that my seeds will germinate. The swiss chard came up great. I was surprised how well the carrots did, but I don’t see any onions. I’m going to order more seeds, as mine were pretty old.
Look an eggplant! No, I’ve never cooked an eggplant, but isn’t it pretty?
Down below pumpkins are coming along. Thank goodness! I’m counting on these for long storage food from my yard. I’d love to have stuffed pumpkins in the very deep of winter.
I made some melon hammocks. When do I know how to pick it?!? I must do some research. Same with these:
Should I pick and store my honeycrisps? I have been eating them fresh, and they are a bit tart, but overall so lovely. I dried all the ones from my under pruning accident. I talked last time about not pruning my apples as much as I was supposed to… and a big branch cracked and broke off. HORRIBLE. The break was terrible and into the tiny four year old trunk. I so hope the tree survives, otherwise it’s at least three, probably four more years without apples. SAD FACE.
Which means I should probably take care of my asian pears before the same thing happens to them. I did some emergency picking today, but I have to get out there with a ladder (not so easy with the kids).
I’m including this so you can see our plum tree I mentioned in the last post. See how high up the ripe ones are? So close, and so far away. I did snag these from my mom’s:
Her and my step dad don’t care for plums. I have heard this from quite a few people this last week. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!? These are little bits of heaven, truly! I think they are damson plums? I’ve been trying to figure out what these kind are, any one have ideas? These are similar to ours, but not exactly the same.
I am still chipping away at the chips in the driveway. I covered the back corner of the yard with cardboard and put a thick layer of chips here. It was getting a bit mucky. I’m still not sure exactly what we are going to do back here. It was supposed to be a play structure. I’ve been day dreaming about a pond and ducks. Or pretending my yard was bigger and somehow putting in a swimming pond. Ya, I’m obsessed with them, they looks so awesome. Always dreaming of the next thing.
What are you doing or dreaming about in your garden?