The Garden – 6.6.2014

Oh the garden. How much it gives, and not just fruits, flowers and veggies! After a long couple of days with the girls an hour out there tonight was just what I needed.

I watered the things in pots (the rest is on drip, I’m trying deep watering this year vs. every day watering… So far so good).

I tasted lots of berries. These honey berries, lots of strawberries (I estimate we’ve picked 25 lbs from my patch so far), a tiny few raspberries, and a lone blueberry.

I picked little eggs off these things. A lot less gross than little larvae! I think it will be worth it though…. Baby cauliflower!

I planted more beans even though I have an insane number already (see below). I have this area seeded in poppies but I thought I might try bush beans mixed in. It might get too shady in the afternoon to work, we’ll see. I picked a seed, “not picky about it’s location.”

These scarlet runner beans have a more prime location, on a trellis Bj built. In front of them I’ve squeezed some onions (I’ve got them scattered about the yard), behind them some dill.

And this is a bean teepee of purple runners, passed around in my family for a while, we save the seed ourselves. We call them magic beans since they grow purple and turn green upon cooking.

I tucked away peppers and melons for the night. And fretted over my apple and pear trees… Should I put little covers over every fruit? Am I destined to get some yucky bug or disease since I chose not to spray?

Tucked in around the apple small miracles. After who knows what colonized some of my sprouting pumpkins seeds (what????) I still have two heathy starts, one semi healthy, and a maybe. I’ve not given up hope on eating more stuffed pumpkins this fall yet. But I will be looking for a few starts tomorrow at the market to supplement.

Delias are poking up here and in the front, which is good since three plantings of sunflower seeds have failed to produce the abundance we had last year (by shear luck I guess).

I marvel at this coreopsis. A merchant threw it in as a bonus, because it was so scrawny, and didn’t even know it’s color. Luckily it’s not pink, and fits in nicely with the other yellows I’m collecting. In fact, it might be my favorite.

Like I said I did manage to taste a few raspberries… But this bush tempts me with what is to come! And marionberries next to it scream to be made into a pie.

(Oh look, more beans)
And I cleaned up bathings suits, towels, gardening gloves, a sprinkler, cups, the cozy coup, buckets of weeds, and wound hoses. But I left these two, tucked away for the girls to find them tomorrow… Hopefully calmer not so screamy girls.
I don’t know if I’ll keep up the garden commentary through the summer. It’s easy on a night like this where all the pics were snapped with my phone. And this entry typed on my phone, while Bennie snuggles in, up again.
And how does your garden grow my friends?

The Garden – late May

I’ll let the photos do most of the talking. We have all been working so hard out in the yard and it really is paying off. Everything looks lush (thanks rain!). I’m trying not to over plant and let things have room to grow (no promises!).
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This is the only area I’ve “traditionally” done veggies in, if by traditionally you under stand that I mean the last three summers. This is only summer number four in our yard (we re-did the yard summer 2010, so I had only two of these beds full then because we got everything planted so late). Yes, I know I need to go back and talk about how we did our yard, details, details on the shed, etc. It’s on my to do list!
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Bj built me a couple more beds for mother’s day, and three different types of trellises. This one is going to have cucumbers growing up it. The extra green cage is there to hopefully corral the butternut squash that’s in the corner of the bed. It might be too tight of a squeeze, but we’ll see. I grew my own starts for the first time this year thanks to my neighbor letting me use her outdoor greenhouse and only one butternut squash made it (plus cucumbers, basil, cilantro), so I feel like I have to give it a shot!
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This bed Bj made with a lip so that I can clip plastic on to help the heat loving plants I probably shouldn’t even bother to plant in our area…. but watermelons! cantaloups! I have to try them once! There is a big trellis in here with heavy duty metal for the melons. I will make little hammocks for the fruit to hold them up, should this experiment be successful. The green bag holds potatoes. I did two of these last year and they were just ok. I’m doing it again mostly for the fun factor of digging potatoes for the girls (I bought already sprouted potato plants). The strawberries have gone nuts. Also in the fruit department:
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Honeycrisp Apples… in my back yard!!! You have to click here and check out the wee stick it was when we first planted it. It is crazy how much my yard has filled in!!!! (and for really crazy, how about before we remodeled it????)
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Of course I just couldn’t do with those boxes alone after going to that crazy awesome master gardener sale so I have free range tomatoes. I put the ones I think the girls will be the most interested in here (early varieties and cherry type), that should keep them out of the others. I have 12 types of tomatoes this year, but sadly, not my favorite. Rose de Berne. I couldn’t find a start and I don’t start my own tomatoes (you need grow lights here and I don’t have/want that set up).
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You may have noticed that little house in the corner, it’s Tuesday’s fairy garden. We are in love with mini gardening and I pulled out an old half wine barrel that was a sandbox at one time to make another bigger one. I also got this book, Miniature Gardening (affiliate link) and it is awesome. Total eye candy.
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On the other side of the yard I’m trying to grow some veggies too. I love the integration meathods championed by permaculture gardeners so I’m trying some of that. Here is a future bean tee-pee, a spiral of peas, I don’t know what on the right (but I love them), and on the left a beautiful ground cover that creeped over from my neighbors (lucky for me!). I do nothing to it, never water it and it just lives. Love stuff like that.
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(in case you’re wondering why I have all this stuff under a tree, I don’t, the walnut died, we cut it down but left a large stump. Bj has plans… tree fort plans). I was tucking some flowers in with my brassica (2 cauliflower, 2 brussels sprouts, 2 broccoli) and I got the best surprise ever. See that lovely little bush? It’s a honey berry.  I impulse bought them three years ago after sampling some honey berry ice cream. I bought two, they flowered prolifically, I saw lots of bees on them… and then nothing. No berries. I was sure three years was going to be long enough, but oh well I thought.
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But look! Berries! They grow under the leaves so they are not noticeable from the top!! I think they need a bit more ripening time since they are tart, but yum! I did buy another one this year because I was afraid one of ours was sterile or something, so now I have three of these bushes.
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We had to cut this filbert tree down. It was always the plan, let the asian pear tears get bigger, than chop this to give them space (we never ate the filberts since the squirrels always got them first). It’s too tight to get a stump grinder in here so we drilled holes in it and are trying to kill it… we’ll see. Does any tree put out more suckers than a filbert?!?!
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In the very back of our yard I just can’t seem to get a handle on this bed. All morning it’s blasted with sun, and shady in the afternoon. So things that would be “partial shade” tend to get burnt. I’ve just put out loads of poppy seeds, so hopefully they will fill in, reseed year after year and be colorful and pretty. I actually do not like the poppies down here now, I prefer the Californian type. These are just two big and gangly for me.
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Just to show you how crazy I’ve gone, here are some bush beans squeezed under the fig tree. Hey seeds are cheap, why not try?
Phew, long post. But I’m doing it for me as well, to remember where every thing is and how it grows. Hope to keep updating through the summer. Now tell me, how does your garden grow?


I want to plug a little giveaway that my mom (Ribbon Jar) is having through tomorrow. You can find it right here, for jumbo ric-rac, which is so fun on everything. So hop on over… I hear there are not many entries, hint, hint :).

I’ll leave you with this pretty picture of my climbing roses… Which it turns out are not actually climbing roses, just regular roses I’ve let get gigantic. Hmm so that’s why I could never manipulate them around a pillar.

In better garden news Bj made me these fantastic raised beds on Mother’s Day. Even better than that? A very kind friend brought me loads of soil for them, and an enterprising teenager earned some money filling them up for me (thank goodness because that was not happening with me in charge. See: that time last year when we had piles of rock in our driveway for months).
We tried out “yard guys” for a month and we just could not deal. Now we get to pay for them to stop coming, lucky us (<- sarcasm). Seriously we wanted them to mow the lawn, edge and pick a few weeds from the hard scape. Instead they "policed the beds" and general nonsense that stressed me out (if you're local Salem area and want to know who it was just shoot me a message). Good thing I don't mind my knees looking like this: 20140515-221509.jpg
(My view while nursing Bennie).
There is my check in for the week! Hope this turns out… Using my phone as I haven’t turned on the computer for a while!

Gardening is taking over

I’m sorry you’ve reached the blog of someone who previously could think about more than one thing. Right now all I can think about is gardening. Case and point, last weekend my friend Erin and I went to a master gardener sale and well…
Ya so, that’s been keeping me busy. But seriously this is also serving as a public service announcement. Check out your county (or a neighboring county’s) extension. They should have a master gardener program and they do plant sales in the spring as fundraisers. The deals are great, the variety at this one was insane (342 tomato varieties… at one booth!). We had a blast.
I’m also managing activities for Tuesday’s active Daisy Girl Scout Troop. We’re going to Forest School once a week for I think five more weeks until summer break. Tuesday’s recital is coming up and tomorrow it’s a fully make-uped dress rehearsal/picture day. By the way I volunteered to be a stage mom… before I realized my job would be running out and putting out props in front of a packed house (must remember to aim my bottom to the back of the stage!). Needless to say school is in the full on freestyle/unschooling mode. Tuesday is aching to read though. Once she can read up on bunnies we have promised her she can get some. I don’t think she’s close at all, but I find her with books all the time. And writing non sense notes like crazy (which I hoard because they are adorable!).
I promise to do another catch up soon!

Ah sweet spring

I’m sure you’ll excuse my absence when you see what I’ve been distracted with:
All from my garden. I did have to stretch it a bit to come up with this bouquet for a friend’s birthday; and included budding bits from a bush, branches from our dogwood, a weed and an unfurling fern. Yes new life is popping up everywhere! And now that I’ve realized I have allergies and can just take a pill and feel human I am quite happy to be outside all day, as are the girls. I’ve got lots of plans, lots and lots of plans.
Easter at my mom and step-dad’s. See that sweet dress on Tuesday? Mine when I was her age! Good thing 80s fashion is back in vogue.
I did absolutely no planning with regards to Easter, since we don’t celebrate it. My mom always comes through with a lovely brunch and hosts wonderful family time, which we love. I mentioned to Tuesday it was coming up and she was all, “remember that one time at the club with all the eggs!!!” I asked her if she wanted me to hide some eggs for her and oh boy did she. So Saturday night Bj and I were filling plastic eggs with whatever we could find. Including some left over halloween candy. Nothing says rebirth like gummy brains! Bennet was thrilled with the hunt. Every time she found an egg she exclaimed, “oh!” picked it up, put it in her basket and immediately signed “more”.
Now we’re down to the desert for a few days, where it threatens to be pushing 100. 100! I think I’ll melt! Luckily it’s raining here and I don’t feel too bad leaving my garden to nature. Though I will be bringing a stack of books and magazines with me (including this one, this one, and this one! -affiliate links).


Today. Oh today. I just want to bottle you up and have this feeling to take a sip of whenever I need it. Five hours alone with Bennie this morning (she got up at five, Tuesday at 10:30!). Then a nap for her and cookie making with Tuesday. She ran after the mailman barefoot to take him one warm from the oven.
My mom popped over in the middle of her busy day. I happened to have the door open when my neighbor came home from work. She had a rough day. Come over I yelled across the street, we have cookies! So she did, with wine. We chatted a bit. Tuesday packed up some cookies for the guy mowing the lawn.
It poured all day, big fat lovely rain. We stayed cozy and I said a rare yes to Bob the Builder. I started getting things organized in the storage room, where I’d thrown stuff all winter. Dinner was left overs and easy. Then we came upstairs and I asked Tuesday to read to Bennie so I could put away a weeks worth of laundry. And she took her job so seriously. Making up whatever she couldn’t remember.
Bj came upstairs then and Bennet started dancing to some music. It took me a moment to realize it was coming from my phone… My locked phone. That’s when I realized she could change the sound played for my timer and alarms without getting the phone unlocked. And I laughed when I figured out that’s why Banana Phone started playing in the library earlier in the week. Silly Bennet.
Bj read Superfudge to Tuesday so I put Bennet down (a rare event). She was so snuggly I didn’t want to lay her in her crib after she drifted off to sleep in my arms. So I held her.
And wrote this.

Happy Days

I am loving the 100happydays project! I decided to do a photo to represent a happy moment for Bennie, Tuesday and I.
My happy moments: 1.Tuesday singing in the car 2. family dance party 3. Mexican food 4. roses for our anniversary 5. Bj brought me home a Pinterest shirt 6. Breakfast pies in the freezer (and eggs from a friend!) 7. site of a three hour nap (trying to recover from a bad cold) 8. spring is here! 9. squeezing in a tiny bit of scraping
Tuesday’s happy moments: 1. splashing in rain puddles 2. at the RC track with papa 3. checking out at Goodwill 4. legos 5. Forest School 6. Our daisy meetings are at a sustainable community and this night we toured the greenhouse 7. Pjs in the car on the way to grandma and grandpa’s house 8. getting the garden beds cleaned out 9. request for lunch, granted
Bennie’s happy moments: 1. riding the bear at the book store 2. toddler antics 3. always happy swinging 4. dancing in the aisles at the pizza place 5. walking through the forest 6. peek-a-boo 7. first cutting and gluing, she loved it 8. selfies! 9. bedtime dancing
This project was super easy some days (every thing is great! no one is breaking down!) and hard others (vomit! coughing! screaming!). I thought it was so good to focus on the happy moments and Tuesday is a big fan too. Here’s to happiness!!

Project Life style scrapbooking in a smaller space

When I scrapbook I tend to work in little bits here in there. Lets be honest, little bits is how I get most of my crafting time done. I do get bigger chunks, but it seems like I have to be ready to drop it at a moment (baby wakes up, pot is about to boil over, phone rings, etc.).  So I have to have my projects in a place I can get to them, but one that little fingers won’t find so tempting or easy to get to. Project Life is one of those things that I have out a lot. It lends itself well to doing little bits at a time. Printing the photos (I do this at home), pulling out cards, dressing them up with stickers, journaling… I rarely do all of that in one sitting. But one thing that was driving me crazy was having a giant 12×12 scrapbook open on my desk. It takes up pretty much the whole working area. Plus it’s awkward and slick to be working on top of the page protectors. When I had everything laid out then I had to lift up one side of the plastic to get my photos in. Like I said, annoying.

It’s huge! The book measures 33 x 13.75 inches open! I came up with a solution that is so easy! I saw on Marcy Penner’s blog when she was doing this size Project Life that she had something similar, I caught a glimpse of it in one of her videos but never found more info out about it.

I made my simply by laying a page protector over a sheet of 12×12 white cardstock (the plastic is bigger than the paper, just make sure it is hanging out evenly). I took a small awl and poked a hole in the intersections of the individual pockets (it does not damage the page protectors).

Then I simply took a ruler and a sharpie and connected the dots. It’s important to note that the outside “pockets” will be too small. That doesn’t really matter as this is more of a visual guide, than an exact thing. You can see in the photos that the pictures “hang off” the edge of the paper. It doesn’t bother me enough to search out bigger paper.

I printed out Becky Higgin’s handy (and free) reference sheet. Under each style I stared it if I owned some and put in pencil how many. If I’ve made a template for the style I circle the star.

Here is a shot of it in action. In this case I’m still working on printing out my photos and filling in with cards. Once I’ve decided what will go in all the pockets I get out the album and fill it up!
I can’t tell you how much better I love this system. Having the project be totally flat means I can put stuff on top of it if I need to (like a tray from another craft project). I’m sure piling up projects in process is not for everyone, but I like the option of getting things up on one of the highest surfaces in my house (Bennie has sticky fingers!). I’ve added lots of photos to show how to do it, but really it’s a super easy and quick system to implement. If having the album out is driving you nuts try this!
And let me know if you would be interested in a general overview of how I put my weekly spreads together. I really have it down so they are super quick, but can be more embellished if I feel like it.

Easy, practically free dolly bike seat

dolly bike seat for glide bike
(Tuesday biked the 2.5 mile round trip to the library… got hot and had to change into Bennet’s extra shirt!)
I bought Tuesday this balance bike three years ago (when she was two). I tried to get her the ubiquitous Skutt, but had to return it because it was way too big for her. We found this Early Rider bike on clearance at Gilt and decided to give it a go since it has a smaller profile. Not that any of that really mattered since she basically took no interest in it whatsoever for years. She would never try and sit on it and we didn’t push it. Every once and a while I’d get it out, but she loved her trike, and preferred that.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago. I don’t even know what happened. She saw the bike in the garage, or we were talking about bikes or hmm, I don’t know. But she wanted to try this so she put on her helmet, got on and away she went. Within two days she could glide with her legs out in front of her for almost a block! As soon as she showed interest in the bike I jumped on it and asked her if she wanted to make a dolly bike seat for Apple (I showed her this pin). She said yes!
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This is the seat we came up with after a little trial and error (the pink is simply a design element Tuesday added). The basic idea of the seat is the same as the original post, but we tweaked it a bit. First of all, Apple would not stay in the seat with out a seatbelt. So I just folded duct tape length wise and cut a hole through the cardboard to cinch it up. Tuesday specifically requested this next picture to show how she makes sure her dolly* is snug:
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Eventually that tiny bit of cardboard above the hole gave way, I just put tape above it, which I should have done in the first place.
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This is the bottom of the seat, and the main thing we changed. Instead of just cardboard we used a piece of balsa wood we had laying around as a secure base to attach the dolly seat to the seat of the bike. We tried cardboard first and the weight of the doll quickly bent it.
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Now, lest you think I’m crazy for putting packing tape all over her fancy looking balance bike, let me introduce you to Hugo’s Amazing Tape. I’m pretty sure we will be keeping a roll of this in our house indefinitely. And since it’s reusable it will probably be the same roll! Why is it so amazing? Because it only sticks to itself. Yes, it really is amazing. So there is no sticky residue on the dolly seat or the bike seat. And since you can use it again and again I wrapped around a liberal amount.
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(Tuesday could not believe I even wanted her to pose with her bike without her helmet, the sun was fading, but we always wear a helmet! It’s the law here in Oregon!)
The dolly seat was made with the thickest cardboard we could find, from a booster seat box. It’s held up great. The bike has no kickstand so she has to lay it down, or lean it up against things. This hasn’t been a problem for the seat. Now we’re just trying to decide when to move her to a pedal bike. Has anyone used one of these balance bikes? How did the transition go?
*the doll with rainbow highlights is Pepper, Bennet’s doll… Tuesday’s doll Apple was already dressed in Pj’s, and unfortunately, not available for this impromptu shoot.
Affiliate links, where possible.