Hello! Miss me? Because I certainly missed blogging. I have been so focused on this; my new site. Things like this are always more work than they look to be, at least I think so. I figured branding, new site, business cards, PDFs, care guides, contracts, piece of cake! Well the jokes on me. I’ve …
Tag Archives: Tuesday
The daugther of a photographer never gets a break
Sorry baby girl, I just can’t help myself. You are too cute, and I can always use the practice. Don’t be afraid of letting me into your house (messy or not!). Promise I’ll find somewhere to get a good capture. I had an outdoor shoot today and I think it was my last of the …
Continue reading “The daugther of a photographer never gets a break”
That last sunny day
I was far too busy the last really nice warm sunny days of fall to blog about them, so I am now. On November 3rd it was sunny and 70 plus out. Yes, November 3rd here in Salem… OREGON, it was 70 plus. It was sunny, and IT WAS NOT RAINING. Crazy really. I have …
Public Service Announcement.
Hey, guess what? You’re not supposed to put babies and toddlers in a bath with grown up bubble bath. I know what you’re thinking, no bubbles, that’s so sad! You know what’s more sad? Your 22 month old clutching you while she pees because she has a UTI. I thought that was something that only …
water + cornstarch = fun.
Tuesday Today
A late lunch. After an early nap. That was due to extremely early waking. Finding the beauty in the little moments of a long tiring mama day (and night).