1,000 posts. Let’s recap.

Wow, 1,000 posts. I’ve been blogging for a while and I guess I had a lot to say, you know mainly about myself πŸ™‚ So in case you haven’t been reading from the beginning here is what has happened so far (also known as my blog’s greatest hits):
I lived in Corvallis, was dating Bj (and had been for a 3.5 years already) and starting up The Ribbon Jar. Lots of my friends got married. Bj got a real job in the city and I moved home with my mom and Bill. I bought a house. I got a god-daughter. I got engaged. I was made up to look like a Mexican soap opera star.
I got married to my sweet love.
20 days later his dad died and we moved Grandpa up to live near us.
I found Bj the best shirt ever (which he has worn to pieces so if you see another let me know). We drove the Alaskan Highway.
I stayed in a tree house. I started doing a few “professional” photoshoots. We went to Hawaii again (mmm sun). I finished an epic project.
I got pregnant (I told you later, but I found out this day after six months of trying).
Then grandpa fell and he didn’t get better. He passed away, it was so sad that it is still lingering. I did lots of baby projects and when Tuesday came happiness was everywhere, and sleep nowhere. I nursed Tuesday a lot and used that time to knit alot. Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday…. We went to the coast, I canned like a mad woman, we went to Alaska.
Tuesday and I set out on solo adventures, first to Vermont. And then Hawaii for a dear friend’s wedding.
Along the way I ditched Elmer, made lots of chowder, bought lots of old stuff, dabbled in beading, knitting,
spinning, dying and scrapbooking. I got a new camera, then another, then went to a photography course. I did a ton of work on my cottage.

Then decided to do more. I made friends that I’ll love forever. And I focused on the positive. And you know what? Life is awesome. It really is.
Along they way you lovely people have left me over 5,700 comments and I have met some awesome people through them. Actually looking back on my blog I pretty much haven’t changed anything. I still talk mostly about myself, people I know, places I go and my crafty endeavors. I don’t have sponsors (or even really know what sponsors do, do they pay you or just give you stuff to give away?), I don’t have a book deal or an etsy site. I just have my little blog and I love it and I’m so glad you do too!
So I thought it would be fun to do a little give away. When I told Bj my idea to give away a BOX OF AMBER. He mentioned that it should be a pallet. Hmm, well I do have a lot of craft stuff. But a box it is. I am going to put in all the little types of crafty things I LOVE. Like fiber, and paper and yarn and yumminess. So please leave me a comment and I’ll enter you to win it. Then when you do (because someone has to) I’ll contact you and find out what kind of crafty you are and tailor it to you!!! So leave a comment before I mean BY Monday January 11th please if you want to be in on the fun!

54 replies on “1,000 posts. Let’s recap.”

  1. Congrats on your 1,000th post. It has been fun to watch you do this and I am glad that you enjoy it so much. Here is to the next 4,000 posts! Love ya darling!
    Also, I don’t really need a box of Amber. Tuesday and I have the real thing at home. πŸ™‚

  2. I can’t beleive how much has happened in just the last year…Is Tuesday really turning one?! Wow… It just goes by so quickly. I also LOVE your blog. It makes me feel like I see you every day, even though I live thousands and thousands of miles away. I don’t feel like I miss out on quite so much because I feel like I live it right along with you! Thank you for all of the inspiration, and for test driving every new baby idea and toy for us! It is pretty sweet to get the “best of” list, so we know what to get and do for Chloe. I hope our girls will get to be as close as we are someday! As always I miss you a ton! Happy 1000th post! woohoo!!

  3. I didn’t find your blog until about 18 months ago, but it seems so much has happened in that time. It was nice to “find” you again! I can’t wait to hear about Tuesday’s birthday party. I’m looking forward to seeing your complete craft room. Love your blog, keep it up chickie!

  4. Oh my gosh time has flown! Aren’t you so glad you have this all cataloged to help you remember it all? I love how you wrote this out…did you ever have a renter downstairs? I still think you looked beautiful (not like a Mexican soap star). I thought you literally got rid of Elmer the Elephant and I was really pretty worried about it until I remembered that “Elmer” is also your journal. Great post, great blog, keep ’em coming!

  5. I have only been along for a very short part of the 10000 posts, after Tuesdays arrival.
    It has still been fun.
    Thanks for sharing your life with us all.

  6. Congrats on your 1,000th post, and Happy 1st Birthday to Tuesday. I love your blog and seeing your new studio makes me want to renovate mine. Can’t wait to see the finished pictures. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  7. Looking back, I think I must have started reading around early 2006…though not very vocal until recently, obviously!! Congrats on the 1000th post!
    Um…is today Tuesday’s birthday?? I can’t wait for some Tutu birthday photos!!

  8. Amber,
    I have enjoyed reading your blog over the last year (and have gone back to read from the beginning!!) and have gained so much from them. Congrats on 1,000 posts and here’s looking forward to the next 1,000!

  9. What a wonderful post! I remember reading most of it at the time, though I don’t remember how I came across your blog in the first place. I have lots of random blogs in my blog list and yours is one of the few that I get excited to see an update from. Thank you for sharing your family with us!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS on your 1000th blog post!
    I have been following your blog since finding it back when you just bought the house, via someone’s blog mentioning Ribbon Jar.
    YOU have become like a young friend to me & I LOVE your creativity and your LOVE of life.

  11. I am so glad you are still happily blogging! Your blog is the first one I ever started checking and it’s still one of my very favorites, probably the first one I always go to. I like everything you write about – your family, your house, your crafts, your travel, your business, etc, etc. Back before google reader I would pull up your site almost daily to see if there was a new post. We haven’t seen each other in, oh 7 years or so, but I enjoy keeping up with you and your wonderful little family – hope to see you in person again some day!

  12. One more thing, back at camp I remember your awesome markers and later I hunted for them and have a great collection now – they are a must for scrapbookers. You really have been an inspiration to my crafting (and my own blogging), more than anyone else! And I need my own Craft Room… “oh Pat…”

  13. wow! reading through just these 14 posts makes one realize how popular you are…why might that be? YOU’RE FANTASTIC! that’s why. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and beautiful person.

  14. Congrats on you 1000th blog post! You are an inspiration to so many and I love your positive outlook on life! It’s so much fun to check in to see what you’re up to early in the AM. And I don’t really need a box of stuff, I know where I can get stuff when I need it ;)!

  15. I found your blog of couple of months ago and have been so inspired by your projects and your color sense. Here is to another 1000 posts! Congratulations!

  16. holy 1000 posts!! i entered your blogging world right when you were tying the knot and what a ride it’s been for you and your little family!
    thank you for continuing to share your hopes, dreams, fears and everyday stories. i thoroughly enjoy stopping by your corner of the world! πŸ™‚

  17. I love your blog and it was fun to read this post. I only started reading your blog once you had Tuesday because I had a homebirth right after you and had found you on Ravelry. So it was cool to see you tell your story. BTW, I have a very similar past as you. I dated my hubby for 5 1/2 years and felt very much like you with wanting to get on with your life and him not proposing even though I knew we were it and I had a very similar proposal in the end. Sounds like we are much alike, but I wish I could be as crafy/driven as you are!

  18. happy 1000th post! i love how you wrote everything out…
    and i enjoyed reading past entries – i think i started reading around the time you moved back with your mom and bill. and we met right after you bought your house πŸ™‚
    you are so full of creative (and thrifting) inspiration…and are just fun to be around! i’m so glad we met via this great blog.
    give the birthday girl a big hug from me!
    i can’t believe she’s a year old. time flies!

  19. i have so loved your blog! I don’t even know how long I have been reading or how i found it. I think I was googling how to shop estate sales or something. I was in awe of your scores at those sales and am so totally jealous. I’ve made sure that I always have a bag or something with me and some hand sanitizer just incase I see something while I am out! I am pretty sure you were just married…but I really don’t know. I went back and read your archives so I wouldn’t feel left out. I have enjoyed all your craftiness, your photography, and all your projects along the way. I now subscribe to your mom’s blog and even saved a pic from your gramma’s xmas party so that I might be inspired to spruce up my bathroom next xmas! I was so excited when I found a holiday shower curtain at Target for 50% off! I am so happy you are still blogging even though you are a super busy mommy….Can’t wait to see what the next 1000 posts bring!

  20. Wow! A thousand posts is alot of time and life that has went by. I stumbled on to your blog long ago and still love checking in to see what your working on or what craft endeavor you have going. Your inspiration is contagious! Thanks and can’t wait to see what the next 1000 post have in store. I wish your little one a very Happy 1st Birthday. My kiddos are celebrating a birthday this weekend too. My triplets are 9 and eveytime I see a picture of sweet Tuesday I wish that they were still that age. Enjoy every moment it goes by to quickly.

  21. Happy 1000, Amber. I don’t comment nearly as much as I should, but I love reading about your adventures.
    Here’s to 1000 more.

  22. I’ve been reading your blog since 2007 and love to visit for a spot of colour, I didn’t like green much before but you’re persuading me!
    Here’s to the next 1000 posts and what they will bring πŸ™‚
    Best Wishes – Rowena

  23. What a joy it’s been to read this blog, you’re outdoor tent gave me the idea to make a wonderful outdoor sleeping//dining/gaming place for my family one summer on the cape (complete with chinese lanterns and lots of flowers and plants and shells and pillows and quilts-we still talk about it and recreate it most summers whereever we are). I’ve bought craft kits and ribbon that have made my own projects sparkle. Mostly though I’ve enjoyed watching you and your family grow and change and move in so many wonderful directions! Keep blogging!!

  24. i am a more recent follower, so this post was so much fun for me to read!! about your life before Tuesday. so fun to get to know you a little more. you are an amazing person!!

  25. Blurker here! I read through your whole buying your home and sprucing it up bit, all in a day and have been hooked since. My baby is just a few weeks older than Tuesday too so it’s been really fun reading lately. She looks at the screen and says bebe when she sees pictures of Tuesday πŸ˜€
    The idea of a Box of Amber is exciting, congratulations on your 1000th post!

  26. Congrats on your 1000 post πŸ™‚ And…Happy New year – a new year with a very soon to turn 1 year old – life is going to only get crazier!

  27. This might sound silly, but really, I almost cried reading about your fabulous journey. We have only been “blog friends” – but wow, girl, you are amazing! Personally, if you want one, I am totally thinking book deal. πŸ™‚ Good luck on the next 1000 posts, I can’t wait!
    p.s. no matter who wins this “box of Amber” *fans herself* you must show the contents, because your creativity is AMAZING.

  28. I have so enjoyed your blog. Congrats on reaching a major goal. This is just the start. Enjoy your life.

  29. My best friend told me about your blog. She told me how much she related to you (similar age, both crafty mommies, etc) and how much she looked forward to reading what was going on in your world. Now she has me hooked, too! If I win, I PROMISE I will share with her.
    p.s. Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your world and for keeping us entertained. Keep the blogs coming!

  30. Happy Posting. Love reading your blog and hearing about your adventures. Can’t believe that Tuesday is a 1 year old now. It’s been fun watching her grow up. You guys seem to have lots of fun!!
    Fun, Love and Happiness for the new year to your family.

  31. I started following your blog around the super cool blog swap you organized. And it’s been a delightful read ever since! Loved meeting you in person, loved going to dinner with you (that one time–need to do it again!) and love reading about all of your adventures!
    Much happiness to your NEXT 1000 postings!

  32. oh, oh, please pick me!!! πŸ™‚
    I rarely comment because I am more of a long distance admirer, but I have experienced many of these moments with you over the years & enjoy your blog immensely.
    Thanks for adding color to my world!

  33. Love your blog Amber. Love hearing about BJ and Tuesday and all the things you’re interested in. You are very funny, sweet, and you make the mundane entertaining. Here’s to the next 1000 posts!

  34. Amber,
    Congratulations on 1,000 posts! I haven’t left you a message until now, but I’ve been reading your blog for over a year and have loved it. It’s great to see you and the beautiful family you’ve built. We go way back to elementary school and it’s wonderful to see how life has worked out! Looking forward to many more posts!

  35. I enjoyed the recap with photos and look forward to reading many more of your posts! Your “realness”(is that a word?) is so refreshing! Thanks for inviting me into your “world of Amber”!

  36. I’m so happy I found your blog at the end of 2006, because I mistyped our photographer’s blog name! It’s been so fun to read about your crafts, wedding, home renovations, thrifting, and all things baby-related, since these are things that I am also into. I also love photography and learn more by studying the way others take photos, and you take fabulous photos! I currently have a Nikon D60 but have an old film Nikon DSLR from 2000 when I was taking B/W photography. I swore I would never convert, but having kids makes me soooo happy for digital. I was also happy to learn that you had a homebirth as I also had one with my daughter. It was one of the most empowering experiences for me and I wish that all women could afford one (I live in CA and it was not covered by my health insurance). Congratulations on your 1000th post, Amber! I look forward to reading your blog and all of the fun things you do!

  37. WOW… what an awesome round up!! Such a fun way to read about your blogging days!! Thanx for popping by my blog with a book recommendation! it looks aweseom I have added it to my wish list!

  38. Congrats on 1000 posts! I’ve followed your blog from early on – your crafty endeavors have always been an inspiration .. of course I don’t comment nearly as much as I should. I have a daughter about a month older than Tuesday, so I love checking in and seeing what you’re all up to!

  39. Wow! 1,000 posts! Time flies when you’re blogging. So many great memories, not just for you, but for those of us involved and a part of your wonderful life that we get to re-live through you and your posts. I love reading your blog and keeping up with all you do, especially since we live so far apart. Cheers to another 1,000!!

  40. Hello –
    I stumbled onto your blog before you got married and watched your happiness unfold through your pictures and words. You have a beautiful family and seem so content in your life. You can’t ask for more than that. Congratulations on 1000th post. I look forward to reading 1000 more.

  41. I just watched Julie & Julia, watch it. Another triumph in blogging. All those things you mention seem like yesterday. Now on to year two with Tuesday and I’m sure a birthday (that was yesterday) post to come.

  42. I loved your blog recap! I also think I’ve been reading from very near the start! I have no idea how I stumbled on to your blog….not even sure why I subscribed…but I have since come to enjoy popping in every now and then to see what you’re up to. (in a non-creeper sort of way) =)
    Thanks for the giveaway! A box of Amber sounds fun!!

  43. I had to go back and see what I’d missed! I’ve been reading since Christmastime 2007 (through a google for dollhouse furn I wanted to make for my daughter – I found the dollhouse for V’s 1st bday. great card and hat, btw). Your colorful heading design remains the same (I still love it!) and my favorite post is the one where you made an awesome journal for your trip to Alaska. Oh, also your ‘things that make me happy’ book and ‘you choose birthday’ card – those are tucked away in my mind. I should make them both this year. Yes, that would be good. Thank you for sharing your way of looking at things; from scrapbooking to parenting to everything else you do so creatively. Congrats on 1000 posts!

  44. Hmmmm….I think I started reading right before you got married. Drooled over your scrapbooking and quilting. Became totally engrossed in your renovations (we were/are building a house at the same time). And applauded you for sharing with us the beautiful birth of Tuesday and visually answering my question of ‘what the heck does a placenta look like’.
    Wow…I feel like you live next door!

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